Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 11 2021
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SERVICES Suriname-Guyana Basin is shaping up to be a mature assets in Asia, Europe, and Africa, the US
world-class petroleum system, and PSEPBV supermajor is expected to prioritise investments
Fugro conducts seep survey is poised to be a major player in this region, as in high-value assets such as Stabroek.
demonstrated by their successful results from
The company’s drilling activity will focus on
and geochemical campaign the Sloanea-1 exploration well located in Block firming up resources in the southeastern part of
52. We look forward to supporting their contin-
the Stabroek block, where the operator identified
for Petronas in Suriname ued success in the region by defining high-po- deeper plays underneath the existing discoveries
tential areas within Block 48 and helping develop and is now eyeing the unexplored northwestern
Fugro is conducting a seep survey and geochem- Suriname’s vital resources in a safe and respon- parts of the block. In addition, work is lined up
ical campaign in Block 48 offshore Suriname for sible manner.” on the Canje block.
Petronas Suriname E&P BV (PSEPBV). PSEPBV Fugro, March 10 2021 “Rystad Energy data suggests that close to
is a subsidiary of Petronas, a global energy and 300mn barrels of oil equivalent has been discov-
solutions partner ranked amongst the largest ered on average for each exploration well (wild-
corporations in the Fortune Global 500. PERFORMANCE cat and appraisal) drilled in the country over
The work for PSEBV is being conducted from the past six years. With around 16 exploration
the survey vessel MV Fugro Brasilis and involves Rystad Energy: Exploration wells planned, including some in riskier fron-
geophysical data collection, heat flow measure- tier regions, 2021 holds a lot of promise,” says
ments, core sampling and onboard geochemical activity in Guyana to speed Santosh Kumar, analyst with Rystad Energy’s
analyses, which aim to optimise future explora- upstream team.
tion activities in this frontier area. The fieldwork up, with record number of ExxonMobil’s fleet of contracted drillships in
for the campaign will run through Q1-2021 Guyana is set to increase to six with the arrival
with subsequent geochemical analyses and final wells set for 2021 of the Noble Sam Croft in April. The Rystad
reports delivered in May 2021. Energy Offshore Rig tracker shows that three
As a global leader in hydrocarbon seep map- Guyana has started the year with an exploration drillships are currently located in the greater Liza
ping, Fugro maintains a multidisciplinary team disappointment as a partner in the ExxonMo- area performing development drilling activity.
of geophysicists, geoscientists and geochem- bil-operated Canje block last week revealed that The recently arrived Stena DrillMAX already
ists skilled in seeps data collection, processing the first wildcat in the license failed to deliver. initiated drilling activities on the Longtail-2
and interpretation. Over the past 10 years, this However, Rystad Energy expects exploration appraisal well, while the Stena Carron drillship,
group has performed more than 3mn square activity in the country to rebound with an annual which recently concluded drilling Bulletwood-1,
km of seep studies. A key component of Fugro’s record of 16 wells, including on the Stabroek has now spudded the Jabillo-1 exploration well
success is their capacity to perform all screening block, also operated by ExxonMobil. in the Canje block.
geochemical analyses at sea and share project The year’s first completed well, Bulletwood-1 The operator and its partners plan to deploy
data with shore-based clients in near real time. in the Canje block, encountered quality res- four floating production, storage and off-loading
This approach, which is unique to Fugro, ena- ervoirs but non-commercial hydrocarbons, units (FPSOs) to develop the existing resources
bles rapid identification of high potential cores, according to Westmount Energy, which holds a within the block. However, the supermajor is
thereby streamlining the project schedule and stake in Canje partner JHI Associates. The well expected to ramp up drilling activities, as it plans
minimising impact on the marine environ- was targeting more than 500mn barrels of mean to have at least five FPSOs online by 2026. Suc-
ment. The ability to perform onboard analyses prospective resources in a prospect similar to cess at this year’s Mako-2 and Uaru-2 wells on
and remote data sharing also reduces travel and Liza in the neighboring Stabroek block. the Stabroek block could firm up the Mako/Uaru
shipping requirements, contributing to more Guyana’s exploration activity will be spear- area as a candidate for the next FPSO location.
efficient and sustainable survey operations. headed by ExxonMobil as operator of the On the Canje block, plans are in place to drill two
Brian Hottman, Fugro’s Director for Car- Stabroek and Canje blocks. Having set an ambi- wells in 2021 in addition to the uncommercial
ibbean and Pacific South America, said: “The tious divestment target of $15bn by offloading Bulletwood-1 find, with the Jabillo well already
in progress. No further exploration plans are
expected for the Kaieteur block.
Canada-based explorer CGX Energy oper-
ates the Demerara and Corentyne blocks with
66.67% interests, with Frontera Energy as its
consortium partner. The plan for 2021 consists
of up to two exploration wells, at a combined
estimated cost of about $90mn.
There are no drilling plans reported for this
year as yet on the Repsol-operated Kanuku block
and Tullow Oil’s Orinduik block. However, 3D
seismic reprocessing is scheduled to mature
prospects for future drilling.
Meanwhile, in eastern Guyanese waters
there are only two unallocated blocks: Block
C, which lies east of the Kaieteur block and
north of Stabroek, and a smaller 1,325 square
km block, which was relinquished by the Canje
Week 11 18•March•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13