Page 16 - MEOG Week 38 2022
P. 16

MEOG                           NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  with a company veteran due to take his place.
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join   Van Beurden oversaw the company through
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  its transformational acquisition of BG Group in
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  2016, greatly expanding its LNG business, and
                         regional beats.                      the subsequent sale of some $30bn of non-core
                           By clicking on the headline link for each sec-  assets.
                         tion the full text will be available.
                                                              FSUOGM: Russian revenues dip in August
                         AfrOil: UNOC eyes EACOP funding      Russia’s earnings from energy exports slumped
                         A representative of Uganda National Oil Co.  to a 14-month low in August, as the country con-
                         (UNOC) has said that the East Africa Crude Oil  tinues discounting its oil supplies to Asia that it
                         Pipeline (EACOP) consortium expects to wrap  has diverted away from Europe.
                         up arrangements for funding its $4bn project by   The country’s energy income amounted to
                         the end of November.                 RUB672bn last month, or $11.1bn, marking the
                           A representative of Uganda National Oil Co.  lowest volume since June 2021, according to the
                         (UNOC) has said that the East Africa Crude Oil  Russian finance ministry.
                         Pipeline (EACOP) consortium expects to wrap
                         up arrangements for funding its $4bn project by  GLNG: Woodside signs LNG deal
                         the end of November.                 A Woodside Energy subsidiary, Woodside
                                                              Energy Trading Singapore, has converted its
                         AsianOil: Australia awards CCS permits  non-binding heads of agreement deals with the
                         The Australian government has awarded per-  US’ Commonwealth LNG into two binding sale
                         mits for companies to undertake evaluation and  and purchase agreements.
                         appraisal work for the potential storage of carbon   The SPAs cover the supply of up to 2.5mn
                         dioxide (CO2) in the country’s waters.  tonnes per year of LNG over a 20-year period
                           On September 5, Santos announced that  from Commonwealth’s proposed export termi-
                         it had been awarded permits G-9-AP and  nal in Louisiana, on the US Gulf Coast.
                         G-11-AP to pursue carbon capture and storage
                         opportunities in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte  LatAmOil: T&T PM seeks more leverage
                         basins, offshore Western Australia, alongside its  Keith Rowley, the prime minister of Trinidad
                         joint venture partners.              and Tobago, wants his country’s government to
                                                              have more say in decisions about exploration,
                         DMEA: Iran offers to complete Pak gas line  production and development strategies in the
                         Mohammed Ali Hosseini, the Iranian ambas-  natural gas sector.
                         sador to Pakistan, said last week that Iran’s gov-  Speaking after a meeting with several of the
                         ernment was prepared to complete a natural gas  biggest investors in Trinidad and Tobago’s gas
                         pipeline to neighbouring Pakistan as part of a  industry, Rowley noted that the gas sector was
                         wider effort to expand ties in the energy sector.  facing significant challenges.
                           “To further strengthen trade co-operation
                         with Pakistan, completion of energy projects,  NorthAmOil: Tamarack buys Deltastream
                         especially the Pak-Iran gas pipeline, remains  Tamarack Valley Energy has agreed to
                         vital,” he told the Associated Press of Pakistan  acquire privately held Deltastream Energy for
                         in an interview.                     CAD1.43bn ($1.07bn).
                                                                The acquisition will make Tamarack the
                         EurOil: Shell CEO to step down at year-end  largest producer in Northern Alberta’s Clear-
                         Shell CEO Ben van Beurden will step down from  water heavy oil play, where activity has been
                         his post at the end of 2022 after a nine-year stint,  booming.™

                                               See the archive and sign up to
                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   21•September•2022
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