Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 48 2021
P. 15

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       will start from scratch after the Ploieşti   energy sector of the republic [of Moldova].”  “taking the typical exploration program
       Court of Appeal scrapped on November 25   “Gazprom expects that the Moldovan   and adding an appraisal focus that, in
       the sentences given by lower courts. The   side will take definitive measures to   addition to providing robust gas content,
       decision is final, reported.  stabilise the situation and ensure the stable   composition and saturation data, will
          Romanian prosecutors announced   fulfilment of its contractual obligations to   provide permeability data in each of the
       in August that they had completed their   Gazprom in full,” Russian news agency Tass   high-graded seams across the area”.
       investigations into alleged fraud at the   quoted the official.            Commenting on the commencement
       local Lukoil refinery and indicted the   "All this week, the Moldovan authorities   of drilling, Jade executive director, Joseph
       Russian-owned Petrotel refinery, its Russian   have publicly reported how they are saving   Burke, said: “We are very pleased to have
       director-general and five other officials.   the country and arranging allocation of   commenced our six well drilling program,
       Prosecutors estimated the losses to the state   money for an overdue payment to Gazprom.  which has been designed to initially
       at RON7.6bn (€1.76bn), and seized shares   There is nothing heroic in this. Paying   demonstrate productivity. The team has
       and bank accounts of companies belonging   under a contract is normal," Kupriyanov   done an amazing job assembling a robust
       to the Lukoil Group worth €2bn.     added.                               drilling program which gives us high
          Prosecutors have brought charges                                      confidence that it will meet our objectives
       against Petrotel Lukoi Ploiesti and former                               of validating gas content, determining
       members of its top management — Andrey                                   saturation and composition and measuring
       Iurevici Bogdanov, Andrei Rata, Dorel   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH             permeability. We will also look to broaden
       Dutu, Alexey Vointsev, Olga Kuzina and                                   the area of investigation as we build on the
       Dan Danulescu.                      CAUCASUS                             historical work from our 2019 eight well
          Some of the accusations concern                                       prospecting program.”
       transfer pricing practices between 2011-  Jade Gas commences
       2014, when the refinery’s managers
       concluded contracts for the purchase of   drilling at TT CBM gas
       crude oil and for the sale of petroleum                                  Berdimuhamedov places
       products at prices that were not favourable   project in Mongolian
       to the company, prosecutors concluded.                                   son Serdar in charge of
          Separately, there are allegations related   unconventional oil basin
       to financial contracts with firms within the                             Turkmenistan’s oil and gas
       group. Prosecutors allege that contracts   Jade Gas Holdings (ASX:JGH) on
       between Petrotel and its shareholder Lukoil   November 29 announced that drilling has   sector
       Europe were drawn up in favour of the   commenced at the company’s flagship TT
       latter.                             CBM Gas Project in the Tavantolgoi XXXIII   Turkmen President Gurbanguly
          The defendants were previously   PSA unconventional oil basin in Mongolia.  Berdimuhamedov has placed his son Serdar
       acquitted twice after being sued for the   The initial well, Red Lake 1, was spudded   in charge of the country's oil and gas sector.
       bad faith use of the company's capital and   on November 28, with the well expected to   The move will be taken as another sign that
       money laundering.                   take 25 days to reach a total depth at around   the 40-year-old is being groomed to succeed
                                           850 metres, the company said.        his dictator father.
                                              It added: “In addition to a standard   Serdar Berdimuhamedov, already a
       Gazprom confirms Moldova            suite of wireline logs, the well will be cored   lawmaker and deputy prime minister for
                                           through the three primary target coal
                                                                                economic affairs, has effectively been in
       paid its gas bill                   seams, with between 25 to 50 coal samples   charge of the Turkmenistan’s crisis-mired
                                           to be recovered, and analysed in the on-site
                                                                                economy since February.
       Gazprom confirmed on November 26    laboratory for gas content. Permeability   State-controlled newspaper, Neutral
       that Moldova has paid its current gas   testing is also planned in each of the coal   Turkmenistan, reported that the
       bill therefore the supplies will not be   seams to assist with future well spacing and   president instructed his son at a meeting
       interrupted.                        development options.”                of officials on November 25 to oversee the
          On November 22, Gazprom gave        Jade said it has engaged the services of   country’s oil and gas complex.
       Moldova a 48-hour deadline to pay its gas   highly respected local drilling company   Turkmenistan ranks fourth globally by
       bill due the same day, warning that failure   Ellehcor, “which has extensive experience in   gas supplies.
       to pay the $74mn would result in the   drilling in this region, along with coal bed   Last week, local reports suggested
       interruption of the deliveries.     methane experts out of Brisbane, Australia,   the Turkmen authorities in addressing
          The government of Moldova in the   that have been engaged to safely and   economic turmoil were cutting rations
       meantime disbursed some $70mn to    efficiently undertake the advanced testing   and further curbing subsidies to a heavily
       Moldovagaz to pay the bill, paying part   required for this program”.    dependent population. They were said to
       of the historic debt the gas transport/  In 2019, Jade drilled eight exploration   be laying preparations for cutting sales of
       distribution company controlled by   core holes during its prospecting work   subsidised foods to the families of convicted
       Gazprom holds against state-owned   to evaluate the coal thickness, continuity   criminals or stateless people residing in the
       Termoelectrica.                     and undertake a preliminary assessment   former Soviet republic.
          Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov   of the gas content of the deeper Tavan   Serdar Berdimuhamedov is officially
       underlined the company’s goodwill but   Tolgoi coals in the area. This dataset   described as "the son of the people".
       expressed concerns about further such   enabled the company to design the current
       incidents “due to systemic problems in the   work program to target three key seams,

       Week 48   01•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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