Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 46 2021
P. 7
NewsGen’s electrolysis plant will be powered by waste heat from Point Lisas (Photo: Wikimedia)
The new contract will support KGL’s first green The value of the deal had not been disclosed
hydrogen project – namely, the construction of as of press time.
the NewGen plant in Point Lisas, a chemical and Richard Dyson, the CEO of io, commented:
petrochemical production hub in Trinidad and “Our team of highly experienced industry
Tobago. experts is passionate about the possibilities
This facility, which is slated to begin oper- for hydrogen in both transforming the energy
ating in 2025, will be able to turn out 27,200 sector with cleaner feedstock and accelerating
tonnes per year (tpy) of green hydrogen. decarbonisation to meet climate goals. We look
NewGen will be “the first electrolysis-based forward to working with the NewGen team on
hydrogen production facility to be built in Point this exciting project, not only for the benefits it
Lisas, Trinidad, and one of the first of this scale brings to Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector
in the world,” io noted. but also its global potential, as it is proof that we
It further stated that the green hydrogen can be both carbon-neutral and industrial.”
plant would be carbon-neutral, as its electroly- Philip Julien, KGL’s board chairman, added:
sis unit would run on electricity generated with “I would like to celebrate this continuing part-
waste heat captured from industrial facilities in nership with io consulting, as this company ini-
Point Lisas. “Other sources of green renewable tially completed the bankable feasibility study
power are also being secured and new sources for the NewGen project. Their deep knowledge
developed,” it added. and the prospect of continuity of a highly expe-
KGL plans to deliver the hydrogen turned out rienced team into the FEED stage of the project
by NewGen to the Tringen ammonia plant for will certainly augur well for the future. It will
use as feedstock in green ammonia production, positively impact the project schedule, as FEED
io said. This will boost the volume of hydrogen execution is on the critical path towards having
available to Tringen by 20% and serve as a source the facility achieve startup and operations in
of income for NewGen, it noted. 2025.”
Shell signs PSC for Manatee gas field
THE government of Trinidad and Tobago has feedstock for the country’s petrochemical and
finalised a production-sharing contract (PSC) LNG plants.
with Shell (UK) for Manatee, an offshore nat- “Today’s event is the culmination of the
ural gas field. negotiations between the Ministry [of Energy
Representatives of both sides met in Port of and Energy Industries] and Shell and the sub-
Spain earlier this week for a ceremony to mark sequent approval by [the] government,” Row-
the signing of the deal, which has a term of 25 ley said, according to a report from Trinidad
years. One of the attendees was Trinidad and and Tobago Guardian. “It signifies this gov-
Tobago’s Prime Minister Keith Rowley, who said ernment’s ongoing commitment and action to
at the event that the contract demonstrated his meet domestic natural gas requirements and our
administration’s determination to secure more resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles.”
Week 46 18•November•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7