Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                                     Yatzil lies within Block 7 in the southern Gulf of Mexico (Screenshot: Capricorn Energy webpage)

       Eni strikes oil at Yatzil field in Block 7

                         ENI (Italy) has announced a new discovery at   confirmed by extensive subsurface data collec-
                         Yatzil, an exploration prospect within Block   tion, the company said.
                         7, a licence area situated in the Cuenca Salina   “The successful result comes after the Saas-
                         section of the Sureste basin offshore Mexico’s   ken and Sayulita discoveries in Block 10 and
                         Tabasco state. The new find is estimated to con-  confirms the value of Eni’s Mexican asset port-
                         tain approximately 200mn barrels of oil in place   folio, contributing to the potential synergic
                         (OIP).                               cluster development of several prospects located
                           The discovery was made in Yatzil-1 EXP,   nearby,” Eni said.
                         the second commitment well drilled at Block 7,   Eni is developing Block 7 through a joint
                         and the eighth successful well drilled by Eni in   venture in which in which it has a 45% stake
                         the Sureste basin. It lies around 65 km from the   and serves as operator. The other stakeholders
                         coast and is 25-30 km away from other discov-  are Capricorn Energy of the UK, with 30%, and
                         eries in the area.                   Citla Energy of Mexico, with 25%.
                           Eni utilised the Valaris DPS5 semi-sub-  The Italian major has stakes in eight blocks
                         mersible drilling rig to drill the well to a total   in the Sureste basin and is involved in a number
                         depth (TD) of 2,441 metres in 284-metre-deep   of other Mexican projects, including the Area 1
                         water. According to the Italian major, Yatzil-1   phased development scheme, which is expected
                         EXP encountered more than 40 metres of net   to be completed by 2025. It began production
                         pay sands containing good-quality crude oil   at Area 1 last year and is currently extracting
                         within the Upper Miocene horizons with excel-  more than 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per
                         lent petrophysical properties. These finds were   day (boepd) there. ™

       Maduro appoints new petroleum minister

                         VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro   focused on the company. Thus far, several gov-
                         revealed on March 21 that he had appointed   ernment officials and judges have been arrested
                         Pedro Rafael Tellechea, the head of the national   in connection with the probe, and sources with
                         oil company (NOC) PdVSA, to serve as the   knowledge of the matter told Reuters earlier this
                         country’s new petroleum minister.    week that more than 20 lower-level PdVSA rep-
                           Maduro’s announcement came one day   resentatives had already been detained.
                         after Tellechea’s predecessor, Tareck El Aissami,   Tellechea assumed control of PdVSA in Jan-
                         stepped down amidst a corruption investigation   uary 2023.

       P6                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 12   22•March•2023
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