Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 11

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       INK wins Irkutsk licence tender

        RUSSIA           MID-SIZED Eastern Siberian oil producer  provinces of Krasnoyarsk and Yakutia.
                         Irkutsk Oil (INK) has won an auction for rights
       INK has so far focused   to the Tubinsky oil and gas block in the Irkutsk  Blue ammonia
       almost exclusively on oil   region in a tender, Russia’s natural resources  INK has so far focused almost exclusively on
       development, but it has   ministry reported on July 12.  oil development, as it has been unable to mon-
       gas plans.          INK  paid  RUB30.6mn  ($410,000)  for  a  etise its gas resources because of infrastructure
                         licence for the block, compared with an initial  constraints and limited demand in the regions
                         asking price of RUB27.8mn. The block spans  where it works. But it is working to expand its gas
                         5,000 square km and contains 2mn tonnes  processing capacity and launch a petrochemicals
                         (14.7mn barrels) of oil, 3mn tonnes (27mn bar-  plant to make use of impurities found in its gas.
                         rels) of condensate and 87bn cubic metres of gas   INK revealed on July 9 it had agreed to under-
                         in D1+D2 reserves, according to the ministry.  take the second stage of a feasibility study with
                           Russian authorities also offered rights to the  Japanese partners JOGMEC and Toyo Engineer-
                         Bilchirsky, Polivinsky and Yuzhno-Teteysky, but  ing on the production of so-called blue ammo-
                         those auctions were called off after only single  nia from natural gas in Eastern Siberia. CO2 that
                         bids were received for each licence.  would otherwise be emitted during the produc-
                           INK is one of the biggest oil producers  tion of the ammonia could be captured and rein-
                         working in Eastern Siberia, producing around  jected into INK’s oilfields, boosting oil recovery,
                         170,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude. Most of  the company explained.
                         its projects are located in the Irkutsk region, but   Around 80% of the world’s ammonia supply
                         it has also branched out into the neighbouring  is used for in agriculture to produce fertilisers.™

       Tatneft, MOL start on bitumen project

        RUSSIA           TATARSTAN-BASED oil producer and Hun-  Tatneft plans to build several other new units
                         garian counterpart MOL have announced plans  at its TANECO complex under an investment
       The plant will use worn-  to build a rubber-modified bitumen plant at the  plan supported by the state. These include new
       out tyres to produce   latter’s TANECO refining and petrochemicals  units for delayed coking, catalytic cracking,
       astringent for road   complex.                         heavy residue hydro-conversion and diesel fuel
       surfaces.           The plant, which will use technology pro-  isodewaxing. Russia’s energy ministry has agreed
                         vided by MOL, will produce up to 25,000 tonnes  to support the projects by providing Tatneft with
                         per year of high-quality astringent for road sur-  a reduced excise tax on crude oil until January
                         faces, using 500,000 worn-out automotive tyres,  2031, as long as it completes the new units by the
                         Tatneft said in a statement on July 6. It is due to  end of 2026.
                         start operations in 2023.              Tatneft is also working to raise TANECO’s
                           The project will cost RUB1.2bn ($16mn) to  nameplate oil processing capacity from 200,000
                         realise, partly funded through tenders arranged  to 260,000 barrels per day. ™
                         by the Hungarian Export Support Agency
                         (HEPA). HEPA has also provided a grant to sup-
                         port the use of MOL’s technology, covering up to
                         50% of capital costs. In addition, MOL and Tat-
                         neft have agreed to form a 51:49 joint venture to
                         build and operate the facility. This partnership
                         could undergo changes five years after the plant’s
                           The project was officially launched during
                         a ceremony attended by Tatarstan President
                         Rustam Minnikhanov, Hungarian Foreign
                         Minister Peter Siyarto, Tatneft General Direc-
                         tor Ilshat Salakhov and other officials and
                         compny representatives, including from
                         MOL. Commenting on the project, MOL
                         said the business of recycling tyres had great

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