Page 15 - MEOG Week 17 2022
P. 15

MEOG                          NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  of natural gas, and swung to becoming an
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  importer in 2018 as a result of the continued
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  phase-out of production at the giant Groningen
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  field.
                         regional beats.
                           We hope you enjoy NRG’s new concise for-  FSUOGM: Potential delay for Arctic LNG-2
                         mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each  Prospects for Russia’s second-biggest LNG
                         section the full text will be available as before.  exporter Novatek look in doubt, after its CEO
                                                              Leonid Mikhelson warned at a sharehold-
                         AfrOil: Cameroon bemoans sanctions   ers’ meeting last week that the schedule for
                         Cameroon’s Energy Ministry is blaming Western  its upcoming Arctic LNG-2 project could be
                         sanctions on Russia for the fuel shortages that  delayed because of sanctions.
                         have broken out around the country, according   Arctic LNG-2 has relied significantly on
                         to a report from Voice of America.   Western equipment and technology, not to men-
                           Ministry officials said last week that Came-  tion financing to cover its $21bn cost.
                         roon had started running low on fuel earlier in
                         April because the imposition of sanctions trig-  GLNG: GTT wins LNG tank design work
                         gered a rise in crude prices that made imports  France’s GTT has won a contract from South
                         more expensive.                      Korean shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries
                                                              (SMI) to design a tank for a new LNG Carrier
                         AsianOil: Deal signed for Borneo FLNG  (LNGC).
                         Petronas and Sabah Oil & Gas Development   GTT said in a statement that the carrier
                         Corp. (SOGDC) have signed a memorandum  would have a total LNG tank capacity of 180,000
                         of understanding on the development of a near-  cubic metres and would be fitted with the Mark
                         shore floating LNG facility in the Malaysian state  III Flex membrane containment system, devel-
                         of Sabah in Borneo.                  oped by GTT.
                           Under the MoU, SOGDC will support Petro-
                         nas in securing all necessary approvals, permits  LatAmOil: Pressure on Pemex
                         and other requirements as they work to realise  Mexico’s national oil company Pemex has
                         the project, according to local media.  reportedly come under more pressure from
                                                              the Finance Ministry to resume payments on
                         DMEA: Petchems to the fore for ADNOC  maturing securities, despite an earlier promise
                         ADNOC’s Abu Dhabi Chemicals Derivatives  from President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
                         Co. (TA’ZIZ) JV this week formalised a share-  to cover the firm’s obligations until the end of his
                         holder agreement with Reliance Industries Ltd  term in 2024.
                         (RIL) for the TA’ZIZ EDC & PVC project to be   Two unnamed sources with knowledge of the
                         located in Ruwais.                   matter told Reuters last week that the ministry
                           Meanwhile, reports emerged that ADNOC  had stepped up its communications with Pemex
                         and Borealis intend to achieve a valuation of  and urged the company to assume this respon-
                         $20bn for their Borouge plastics JV in the hope  sibility ahead of April 21, the deadline for paying
                         of receiving $2bn for a 10% stake when they  the holders of €1bn worth of Eurobonds issued
                         launch an initial public offering later this year.  in 2015.

                         EurOil: FLNG heading for the Netherlands  NorthAmOil: CNOOC exits Flemish Pass
                         A floating LNG plant is expected to arrive at  China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC)
                         Eemshaven port in the Netherlands’ Groningen  has confirmed to Canadian media that it is exit-
                         Province in early August, helping the country  ing the Flemish Pass Basin offshore Newfound-
                         and the wider region overcome their depend-  land and Labrador.
                         ence on Russian gas.                   The Chinese company’s exit follows an
                           The Netherlands was formerly a net exporter  unsuccessful drilling campaign in the basin.™

                                               See the archive and sign up to
                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       Week 17   27•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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