Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 18 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       This volume represents about three times the  and Rafael Chaves (Institutional Relations and  Programme is expected to involve the drilling of
       production that we would reach if we had not  Sustainability) on May 3 at the Offshore Tech-  a number of low angle conventional wells, and
       invested in the new platforms. In other words:  nology Conference (OTC) 2022, the main con-  also several high angle to horizontal wells, along
       without the new projects, our future production  gress of the world’s offshore oil and gas industry,  with deeper wells to test structures below our
       in the basin would be 300,000 boe,” explained  in Houston (USA). Both reinforced Petro-  current producing horizons, which could lead
       Bordieri.                           bras’ commitment to the global transition to a  to a step change in reserves and production.
         Three new platforms planned by 2026: Petro-  low-carbon economy - with emphasis on the  With an increasing focus on high angle, hori-
       bras expects to install three new FPSO platforms  results obtained so far, the application of tech-  zontal and deeper wells, the 2022 Drilling Pro-
       (floating systems for production, storage and  nologies to reduce emissions, and future projects  gramme is expected to yield significantly higher
       transfer of petroleum) in the region in the next  in this segment.       volumes per capital invested, and materially
       few years. The FPSOs Anita Gabribaldi and   Petrobras, May 3 2022        increased cash returns, when compared to the
       Anna Neri will be installed in the Marlim field                          Company’s 2018 and 2019 drilling programme.
       and together they will be capable of producing                           The 2022 Drilling Programme is fully funded
       up to 150,000 barrels per day (bpd). The third  PROJECTS & COMPANIES     and is expected to commence in July 2022, with
       planned unit is the Maria Quitéria, in Jubarte, in                       first oil shortly thereafter. Further, the Company
       the Parque das Baleias complex, in the capixaba   Trinity Exploration    has commenced the procurement of long lead
       portion of the Campos Basin, with capacity for                           items such as; casing, tubular and production
       100,000 bpd.                        announces update on                  equipment.
       Petrobras, May 3 2022                                                      In addition, Trinity’s subsurface teams have
                                           Galeota farmout and                  made good progress in working up additional
                                                                                locations for infill drilling for all well types in
                                           resumption of drilling               per includes numerous new wells, at various
       POLICY                                                                   subsequent years. The Company’s drilling hop-
       Petrobras reports on                AIM-listed Trinity Exploration & Production,  stages of readiness, having greatly benefitted
                                                                                from the 3D seismic over the Company’s oper-
                                           the independent E&P company focused on Trin-
       reductions in CO2                   idad and Tobago, has provided an update on the  ating areas, and therefore continues to increase
                                           Galeota farm down process and the imminent  further in both number and types of wells.
       emissions intensity                 resumption of drilling.                Publication of Results: The Company will
                                              Galeota Farm Down Process: The Company  announce its results for the year ended Decem-
       Petrobras managed to reduce by about 50% the  has engaged with a range of potential partners as  ber 31, 2021, on May 24, 2022. At this time the
       intensity of greenhouse gas emissions per barrel  part of the Galeota farm down process. Whilst  Company intends to provide a full update on
       of oil produced in the 2009-2021 period as an  initial feedback has been encouraging, a number  Trinity’s operations, including details on rates
       effect of the application of innovative low-car-  of participants have informed the Company that  of production, recoverable barrels, economic
       bon technologies.                   they are unable to fully assess the economics of  return metrics and insight on the 2022 drilling
         To intensify this trend, in addition to the  the opportunity at Galeota without clarity on the  campaign as the Company further develops
       solutions already incorporated into the new off-  expected reforms to Supplemental Petroleum  its portfolio of cash generative, high margin
       shore unit projects, the company is developing  Tax (SPT), which are currently being consid-  opportunities.
       a new model of electrified platforms, known as  ered by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago   Jeremy Bridglalsingh, CEO: “Whilst it is frus-
       All Electric, equipped to use less fuel for power  (GORTT) and which were initially expected to  trating to have to temporarily pause the Galeota
       generation on board the unit. The new system  have been confirmed sooner than now appears  farm down process, we believe that this decision
       reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to  likely.                       is necessary if we are to unlock the significant
       20% compared to a traditional platform. The   Pending SPT reform, which management still  value of this asset. With our focus firmly on
       company is also testing an unprecedented tech-  expects to happen, the Company has decided to  shareholders’ best interests we strongly believe
       nology (the so-called HISEP®) that will reduce  pause the Galeota farm down process. This will  that this approach will, ultimately, ensure we
       emissions in pre-salt fields, increasing their  enable the Company to seek the best value prop-  optimise value for shareholders. We remain
       efficiency.                         osition for Galeota when the GORTT’s fiscal  confident in the prospects for Galeota and, once
         These were some of the highlights of the  reforms have been confirmed.  the GORTT’s fiscal reforms have been con-
       speeches given by Petrobras directors João Hen-  The Company is hopeful that the GORTT  firmed, we will resume discussions and seek to
       rique Rittershaussen (Production Development)  will conclude its deliberations and provide fur-  drive towards a successful conclusion of the farm
                                           ther details on reforms to SPT in the near term  down process as soon as practicable.
                                           and this, along with potential stabilisation of the   “Management’s near-term focus is now on
                                           macro environment, will enable participants to  maximising the significant opportunity afforded
                                           fully assess the economics of the opportunity  by the imminent resumption of drilling. The sig-
                                           when the farm down process recommences.  nificant subsurface work which we have under-
                                              In the interim, the Company will continue to  taken since purchasing the 3D seismic data
                                           refine its plans for Galeota. In particular, it will  covering our onshore assets, and the scrutiny
                                           advance preparations for exploiting the 11.66mn  of that work by our Technical Committee, now
                                           barrels of 2P reserves remaining in the Trintes  allows us to confidently target a combination of
                                           field.                               conventional, high angle, horizontal and deeper
                                              Drilling  Programme:  The Company  is  wells in the drilling campaign and we are excited
                                           pleased to confirm its intention to resume drill-  by the potential for meaningful production
                                           ing activities early in H2-2022. The 2022 Drilling  growth and returns.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   05•May•2022
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