Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 18 2022
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTAR                                             LatAmOil

                                                                                     (Image: Screenshot of graphic from
       Is Guyana gearing up to

       make gas a higher priority?

       ExxonMobil has been concentrating on oil at Stabroek, but there are some signs that

       associated gas production may become more important than it has been in the past

                         STABROEK, a deepwater block located offshore   gas-to-power (GTP) project that has the poten-
                         Guyana, contains both crude oil and associated   tial to change Guyana’s economy for the better.
       WHAT:             gas. Thus far, though, its operator ExxonMobil   The scheme is designed to give the country a
       Guyana’s natural   (US) has made oil the focus of its development   way to use domestically produced gas to make
       resources minister says   programme.                   electricity cheap and plentiful, thereby reduc-
       a second offshore gas   That is, the US super-major is extracting both   ing its fuel import bills and encouraging the
       pipeline may be needed.  crude oil and associated gas. But it is not han-  establishment of new manufacturing facilities.
                         dling them in the same fashion. When it extracts   It could also lay the groundwork for investment
       WHY:              oil, it loads it onto tankers for export to world   in gas-based industries such as fertiliser and pet-
       There is some circum-  markets.                        rochemical production.
       stantial evidence of   By contrast, when it extracts gas, it does not   Nevertheless, the GTP project is still a rela-
       additional gas finds at
       Stabroek.         even fully utilise it. Instead, it re-injects most   tively low priority for ExxonMobil. No matter
                         of what it produces back into its reservoirs and   how much the initiative might boost Guyana’s
       WHAT NEXT:        flares off limited volumes while it waits for per-  economy, the US super-major and its partners
       Additional exploration   mission to begin work on a pipeline that will be   are still thinking more about how much oil they
       could help build a strong-  able to start pumping gas to shore for local use   can extract and export from Stabroek than how
       er case for gas utilisation   in a few years.          much gas the block might hold.
       and development.    This planned pipeline is part of a $900mn   Or are they?

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   05•May•2022
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