Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 09 2023
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The Company announced the sale of its Brazilian  boepd) of which continuing operations averaged  National Gas Co. of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC)
       subsidiary for a total consideration of $186.9mn,  401 boepd (2021: 212 boepd) and discontinued  that they expect to be ready to receive first gas
       with a purchase price of $138mn plus $9.3mn  operations averaged 2,812 boepd (2021: 3,175  from the Cascadura natural gas and associated
       in net working capital adjustment, $3.7mn net  boepd).                   liquids facility on or about June 30, 2023.
       cash adjustment, and $36.1mn to be paid upon   Revenue in 2022 of $89.8mn (2021: $68.3mn)   Touchstone remains on track to complete the
       successful achievement of earnout milestones.  of which $12.3mn (2021: $5.7mn) relates to the  Cascadura facility prior to this date to ensure
         The Company successfully completed a  continuing operations and $77.5mn (2021:  production can commence as soon as NGC is in
       directed new share issue of 23.9mn shares and  $62.6mn) relates to discontinued operations.  a position to receive first gas. The approximate
       raised proceeds of approximately $20.0mn to   Operating netback in 2022 of $60.7mn  construction status of the Cascadura facility is as
       reinforce the balance sheet.        (2021:  $46.1mn)  of  which  $6.5mn  (2021:  follows: the civil and concrete foundation work
         Three new executive managers appointed,  $2.9mn) relates to the continuing operations and  for the main process facility equipment is com-
       including new CEO, CFO and CLO.     $54.2mn (2021: $43.2mn) relates to the discon-  plete; the flare stack is procured, with the associ-
         Daily oil and gas production for Q4 2022  tinued operations.           ated foundation work commencing imminently;
       averaged 2,621 boepd (Q4 2021: 3,098 boepd)   EBITDA in 2022 of $55.1mn (2021: $47.7mn)  the communication tower is approximately 80%
       of which continuing operations averaged 280  of which -$400,000 (2021: -$2.2mn) relates to  complete; the pipe racks are approximately 90%
       boepd (Q4 2021: 247 boepd) and discontinued  the continuing operations and $55.5mn (2021:  assembled with hydrotesting initiated, and the
       operations averaged 2,341 boepd (Q4 2021:  $49.9mn) relates to the discontinued operations.  units are expected to arrive at the facility within
       2,851).                                Net result for 2022 of $22.9mn (2021:  the next three weeks; on-site condensate tanks
         Revenue of $17.3mn (Q4 2021: $17.8mn) of  $21.6mn) of which -$12.5mn (2021: -$13.3mn)  are approximately 65% complete; the compres-
       which $2.0mn (Q4 2021: $2.0mn) relates to the  relates to the continuing operations and  sors, separators, and vapour recovery units
       continuing operations and $15.3mn (Q4 2021:  $35.4mn (2021: $34.9mn) relates to the discon-  have been safely transported to the facility; and
       $15.8mn) relates to discontinued operations.  tinued operations.         all process equipment for the facility has been
         Operating netback of $9.8mn (Q4 2021:   Basic and Diluted Earnings per share in 2022  acquired.
       $11.9mn) of which $1.0mn (Q4 2021: $1.1mn)  of $0.19 (2021: $0.19) of which basic and diluted   Touchstone Exploration has been notified by
       relates to the continuing operations and $8.8mn  earnings per share for the continued operations  NGC that they expect to be ready to receive first
       (Q4 2021: $10.8mn) relates to the discontinued  is -$0.10 (2021: -$0.12) and basic and diluted  gas from the Cascadura natural gas and associ-
       operations.                         earnings per share for the discontinued opera-  ated liquids facility on or about June 30, 2023.
         EBITDA of $8.8mn (Q4 2021: $15.6mn) of  tions is $0.29 (2021: $0.31).    Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:
       which -$1.3mn (Q4 2021: -$500,000) relates to   Cash and cash equivalents balance on  “We are encouraged to have received an expected
       the continuing operations and $10.1mn (Q4  December 31, 2022, of $23.2mn (2021: $25.5mn)  first gas date from NGC. Although this is later
       2021: $16.1mn) relates to the discontinued  of which $19.5mn (2021: $18.4mn) relates to  than we were anticipating, we can now plan the
       operations.                         the continuing operations and $3.7mn (2021:  final phase of our various work streams to min-
         Net result of $100,000 (Q4 2021: $7.4mn) of  $7.2mn) relates to the discontinued operations.  imise costs and optimise services. First gas from
       which -$3.6mn (Q4 2021: -$3.8mn) relates to the   Maha Energy, 28 February 2023  Cascadura will be a transformative achievement
       continuing operations and $3.7mn (Q4 2021:                               for Touchstone, and we thank shareholders for
       $11.1mn) relates to the discontinued operations.                         their continued support and patience as we
         Basic and Diluted earnings per share of $0.00  PROJECTS & COMPANIES    work towards this significant milestone. We
       (Q4 2021: $0.06) of which basic and diluted                              expect that the funds raised late last year and our
       earnings per share for the continued operations   Touchstone provides update   current base production will allow us to com-
       is -$0.03 (Q4 2021: -$0.03) and basic and diluted                        plete drilling the Royston-1X well and prepare
       earnings per share for the discontinued opera-  on Cascadura facility    our next development locations at Cascadura
       tions is $0.03 (Q4 2021: $0.09).                                         while we finalise construction of the Cascadura
         Full Year 2022: Daily oil & gas production  Touchstone Exploration reports that on Feb-  facility.”
       averaged 3,213 boepd in 2022 (2021: 3,387  ruary 24, 2023, the Company was notified by   Touchstone Exploration, 27 February 2023

       Week 09   01•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P15
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