Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 49
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         That investigation, known as the Lava Jato (“Car   government-controlled companies all possible
                         Wash”) probe, has been in process since 2014   advantages within the oil and gas sector.
                         and is now in its 74th round. One of its targets   Under these circumstances, the partners
                         has been Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction   will have few options for pushing back against
                         and industrial group that has admitted to using   pressure from Pemex and Cenagas. They are
                         bribery schemes to secure contracts in Mexico   not likely to find much sympathy within gov-
                         and 11 other countries. In turn, Odebrecht has   ernment offices if they fault or criticise these
                         a controlling stake in Braskem, a petrochemical   state-owned companies.
                         manufacturer – and Braskem, of course, is one   For example, if they were to point out that
                         of the investors in Braskem Idesa.   Cenagas did not try to renew contracts for
                           The joint venture’s ties to the Brazilian cor-  ethane and gas in July – the usual target date for
                         ruption scandal have raised the hackles of Mex-  negotiating new deals, according to Eduardo
                         ican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador,   Prud’homme, a former Pemex and Cenagas
                         who made anti-corruption initiatives the cen-  staffer who now heads Gadex, a private Mexi-
                         trepiece of his campaign in 2018. Indeed, the   can energy consultancy – then they might sim-  Braskem Idesa
                         president has alleged that Odebrecht bribed   ply be reminded that President Lopez Obrador   appears to have
                         Mexican legislators in order to ensure the pas-  has criticised the contract for ethane deliveries
                         sage of comprehensive energy reforms in 2013   to Etileno XXI.             few friends in
                         and 2014, when his predecessor Enrique Peña   Or they might simply be hit with another
                         Nieto was in power.                  demand for renegotiation of the contract, on   Mexico City at
                           More recently,  Lopez  Obrador  said his   the grounds that it forces Pemex to accept
                         administration intended to investigate a mat-  below-market prices for gas. (Indeed, some   the moment
                         ter related to Lava Jato. Specifically, he said this   industry observers believe that the government
                         week that Mexican authorities would look into   sees recent developments as a means of forcing
                         the US Justice Department’s charge that Pemex   Braskem Idesa to sign new contracts that are
                         employees took bribes from Vitol, one of the   more favourable to both Cenagas and Pemex.)
                         world’s largest commodity traders, in exchange
                         for ensuring the approval of major contracts.  No easy solution
                           He was speaking a day after PMI Comer-  In short, Braskem Idesa appears to have few
                         cio Internacional sent a letter saying that it had   friends in Mexico City at the moment.
                         “taken the decision to suspend temporarily   It is a representative of private enterprise at
                         commercial relations” with Vitol and all of its   a time when the president favours the public
                         subsidiaries, pending the completion of the gov-  sector, and it cannot escape its ties to the Brazil-
                         ernment’s investigation. According to a Reuters   ian corruption scandal. As such, it is unlikely to
                         report, another state-owned company – CFE,   secure much in the way of relief from the gov-
                         the national electric power provider – said that   ernment in the near future.
                         its fuel trading subsidiaries would do the same.  In the meantime, damage has been done.
                                                              Since Cenagas halted natural gas deliveries to
                         Corruption and competition           Etileno XXI in early December, both Fitch Rat-
                         But Braskem Idesa isn’t just tainted by its associ-  ings and Standard & Poor’s have downgraded
                         ation with Odebrecht and the Lava Jato scandal.   Braskem Idesa’s credit ratings, citing the disrup-
                         It is also running up against one of the Mexican   tion in operations that followed the suspension
                         president’s core political convictions – namely,   of gas shipments.
                         that state-run companies ought to play the lead-  Fitch explained its decision further by high-
                         ing role in Mexico’s economy.        lighting its “base case expectation that the com-
                           For one thing, its shareholders – Braskem   pany will be able to find alternative fuel sources
                         and Grupo Idesa, a Mexican chemical and pet-  that will allow it to resume operation, but at a
                         rochemical manufacturer – are privately owned.   lower capacity utilisation level and with a higher
                         For another, Braskem Idesa is at odds with state-  cost structure.” It also remarked: “A failure to
                         owned Pemex and Cenagas at a time when   resume operations in the near-future would
                         Lopez Obrador is declaring his intent to give   likely lead to a multi-notch downgrade.” ™

                                                        Etileno XXI uses both natural gas and ethane (Photo: Odebrecht)

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