Page 17 - FSUOGM Week 28 2022
P. 17

FSUOGM                        NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        FSUOGM

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  and other low-carbon technologies
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  GLNG: Shell Subsidiary Signs 20-Year LNG
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  Supply Deal With MPL Plant In Mexico
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new  Shell Shell (UK) announced on July 12 that
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  its subsidiary Shell Eastern Trading Ltd had
                         link for each section the full text will be available  arranged to purchase 2.6mn tonnes per year
                         as before.                           (tpy) of LNG from a new gas liquefaction
                                                              plant slated for construction at Puerto Liber-
                         AfrOil: Shell Suspends SPDC Stake Sale  tad in Mexico’s Sonora State.
                         Shell (UK) has put plans for selling its 30%   In a statement, Shell said that its sub-
                         stake in the Shell Petroleum Development  sidiary had signed a sales and purchase
                         Corp. (SPDC) joint venture on hold pending  agreement (SPA) with an affiliate of the
                         the Nigerian Supreme Court’s resolution of a  future plant’s owner and operator Mexico
                         lawsuit related to an oil spill in 2018.  Pacific Ltd (MPL), which is controlled by
                           The company’s Nigerian arm confirmed  the US investment firm AVAIO Capital.
                         that the deal was on hold in a statement
                         dated June 30.                       LatAmOil: Shell Signs 20-Year LNG Supply
                                                              Deal With MPL
                         AsianOil: Russian Oil Exports To Asia De-  Shell (UK) announced on July 12 that its
                         cline                                subsidiary Shell Eastern Trading Ltd had
                         Russia’s seaborne crude oil exports in the  arranged to purchase 2.6mn tonnes per year
                         seven days up to July 1 rebounded from a  (tpy) of LNG from a new gas liquefaction
                         slump in the previous week, Bloomberg  plant slated for construction at Puerto Lib-
                         reported on July 4, but deliveries to Asian  ertad in Mexico’s Sonora State.
                         markets are declining.                 In a statement, Shell said that its sub-
                                                              sidiary had signed a sales and purchase
                         DMEA: OPEC Gives Refining Update     agreement (SPA) with an affiliate of the
                         This week’s DMEA includes coverage of  future plant’s owner and operator Mexico
                         OPEC’s latest review of its members’ refin-  Pacific Ltd (MPL), which is controlled by
                         ing capacities.                      the US investment firm AVAIO Capital.
                            The release this week of the 2022 OPEC
                         Annual Statistical Bulletin included over-  MEOG:Gulf E&P Uptick
                         view data of refining capacity among  This week’s MEOG includes coverage of the
                         member states. However, rather than  continued resurgence in Middle Eastern
                         providing an accurate picture of OPEC  E&P.
                         refining activity in 2021, the data offers a   A Kuwait-Saudi working group focused
                         best-case scenario processing level, once  on the development of joint oil and gas pro-
                         major overhaul and expansion projects  jects met this week to discuss the accelera-
                         have been completed.                 tion of efforts in their Partitioned Neutral
                                                              Zone (PNZ).
                         Euroil: EU Deputy Warns Of "Conflict And
                         Strife" This Winter Amid Energy Costs  NorthAmOil:  US Government Releases
                         The EU’s second most senior official has  2023-2028 Offshore Drilling Plan
                         warned that the bloc runs the risk of “very,  The US Department of the Interior released its
                         very strong conflict and strife” this winter  new five-year offshore drilling plan on July 1,
                         over the high cost of energy, and in the short  saying it would carry out no more than 11 new   See the archive and
                         term, he called for the EU to expand its sup-  potential Atlantic and Pacific lease sales during   sign up to receive
                         ply of fossil fuels to alleviate the crisis.  the 2023-2028 period. In a statement, it said no   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                           In July last year, the EU passed its sweep-  more than 10 of these lease sales would cover   for free by email each
                         ing Fit-for-55 climate package, aimed at rap-  acreage in the Gulf of Mexico, while no more   week here
                         idly reducing the use of oil, gas and coal and  than one would cover acreage in Alaska’s Cook
                         expanding the deployment of renewables  Inlet.

       Week 28   13•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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