Page 11 - MEOG Week 43
P. 11

MEOG                                            TENDERS                                               MEOG

       ADNOC awards more contracts

        UAE              ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) this  the Jebel Dhanna and Fujairah export terminals.
                         week awarded three more contracts for work  The project is anticipated to be completed in 30
                         to enhance efficiency through optimised field  months.
                         operations. The state oil firm awarded two pro-  In a statement published by ADNOC, Omar
                         curement and construction (PC) contracts and  Obaid Al Nasri, CEO of ADNOC Onshore, said:
                         one engineering, procurement and construction  “These contracts build on the momentum of our
                         (EPC) contract.                      recent awards for upgrades on the Jebel Dhanna
                           The PC deals cover flowlines and wellheads  terminal and underline our commitment to
                         and were awarded to Galfar Engineering & Con-  unlocking the full potential of our assets and
                         struction and Robt Stone respectively.   fields.”
                           The first of these is valued at $71mn and cov-  He added: “The award for flowlines and well-
                         ers PC for flowlines and wellhead installations  head installations will help sustain long-term
                         for ADNOC Onshore at the Asab and Sahil  production at our Bab, Asab and Sahil fields,
                         fields. The second contract is valued at $168mn  while the award for the bypass system will pro-
                         and covers flowlines and wellhead installations  vide critical backup for the existing crude-re-
                         at the Bab field, also for ADNOC Onshore.  ceiving station connecting our fields and export
                           Both of these deals include residual engi-  terminals, to ensure business continuity and
                         neering, procurement, construction, pre-com-  resilience.”
                         missioning and commissioning of natural oil   In September, ADNOC Onshore awarded a
                         producer wells and water injection wells at the  $135mn deal to China Petroleum Pipeline Engi-
                         respective fields, and are expected to be com-  neering (CPPE) for EPC work to replace two
                         pleted within five years.            main oil lines (MOLs) which transport Murban
                           Galfar was also awarded an EPC deal val-  crude oil from the Bab, Bu Hasa, North East Bab
                         ued at $84mn for the creation of a new bypass  and South East fields to Jebel Dhanna Terminal.
                         system to provide critical backup for ADNOC   This will expand the pipelines’ capacity by
                         Onshore’s existing crude receiving stations at  more than 30%.™

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