Page 18 - MEOG Week 43
P. 18

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                June 2020.
                                                                                  Fitch expects weak results in Q3 due to
                                                                                a still challenging macro environment as
                                                                                European refining margins remained negative
                                                                                throughout the quarter.
                                                                                  Fitch assumes Tupras’ 2020 EBITDA
                                                                                (pre-current cost of supply adjustment) will
                                                                                decrease 80% y/y.
                                                                                  The difficult operating environment
                                                                                will push funds from operations (FFO) net
                                                                                leverage to 17.3x in 2020, up from 4.0x in
                                                                                2019, according to Fitch’s forecasts.
       machine learning platform to broaden   Chevron had begun streamlining its   High leverage in 2020 increases the risk of
       governance framework, quickly detect risks,   operations at the end of 2019 when investor   Tupras breaching its covenants on residuum
       increase protection levels while accelerating   pressure was mounting on oil producers over   upgrading project loans. Should this happen,
       inspection capabilities.            their abysmal returns.               Fitch expects banks to grant Tupras waivers
       ITP                                 REUTERS                              due to the temporary nature of the breach.
                                                                                  The US Energy Information Agency (EIA)
       Chevron to lay off about            Fitch downgrades Tupras              expects oil consumption to remain 11%
                                                                                y/y lower in Q3. Overall, the EIA forecasts
       25% of Noble employees              to four notches below                European oil demand will be 12% y/y lower in
                                                                                2020 and 5% lower in 2021.
       after merger                        investment grade                     remains challenging, amplifying downside
                                                                                  The coronavirus pandemic in Europe
       Chevron Corp will lay off about 25% of Noble   Fitch Ratings has downgraded Turkiye Petrol   risks, Fitch noted.
       Energy’s employees who joined the oil major   Rafinerileri A.S. (Tupras) by one notch to ‘B+’,   Refiners are usually able to manage
       after its $4.1 billion purchase of the smaller   four notches below investment grade, with a   foreign-exchange risk as oil supplies are
       rival earlier this month, the company said on   Negative outlook, the ratings agency said on   denominated in US dollars while product
       Tuesday.                            October 26.                          prices, albeit sold in local currency, are driven
         The job cuts, which are on top of Chevron’s   Fitch has Turkey’s sovereign rating at BB-/  by international US dollar-denominated
       plan to cut 10%-15% of its workforce, come   Negative, three notches below investment   benchmarks.
       after the company promised to lower its   grade.                           Nevertheless, due to the exceptionally high
       operating expenses by $1 billion this year in   Moody’s Investors Service sees Tupras at   volatility of the Turkish lira in 2020, Tupras
       the face of sharply lower energy demand.  B2/Negative, five notches below investment   reported foreign-exchange losses in other
         Most of the cuts will take place this   grade, in line with the sovereign downgrade   operating and financial items of TRY1.4bn for
       year, Chevron said. Noble had about 2,300   of Turkey.                   H1.
       employees at the end of last year.     Koc Holding, Turkey’s largest       Although the majority was unrealised
         Chevron’s purchase of Noble boosted its   conglomerate, controls 51% of Tupras via   (TRY1bn), the volatility in the exchange rate
       investments in U.S. shale patches of Colorado   subsidiaries. The remaining 49% is free-float.   provides a downside risk to Fitch’s forecasts.
       and the Permian basin and gave the company   Turkey’s privatisation administration has one   Tupras’ FX-denominated debt accounted
       a foothold in Israel through Noble’s flagship   golden share.            for 93% of total debt at end-June 2020, while
       Leviathan project, the largest natural gas field   Fitch’s latest downgrade reflects cash flow   39% of cash balances was denominated in FX.
       in the eastern Mediterranean.       generation that is weaker than previously   Fitch expects no dividend from Tupras
         The deal came at a time when drilling had   forecast and high leverage, due to historically   until 2023.
       been decimated by the coronavirus crisis,   low refining margins caused by demand loss   Tupras maintains a leading position in
       and since then oil producers across North   for fuels amid the coronavirus pandemic.  the Turkish oil refining market and operates
       America have continued to consolidate in   The Negative outlook reflects uncertainties   one of the most complex sets of refineries in
       hopes of surviving the downturn.    related to the rebalancing of the fuel market   EMEA.
         The company, which took a $1 billion   in the next 12-18 months, which may cause   Tupras remains focused on refining
       charge earlier this year to cover severance   additional rating pressure for Tupras.  and has little integration across the value
       payments, has also been in the process of   Earlier this month, Tupras revised its   chain compared with Hungarian oil and
       asking employees worldwide to reapply   expectation for its net refining margin to   gas company MOL and Poland’s PKN
       for their positions as part of a cost-cutting   USD1 per barrel in 2020 from $3-4 per barrel.  Orlen, which are diversified into upstream,
       program, Reuters reported earlier this month.  New forecasts assume also fuel production   petrochemicals and retail.
         As part of the plan, Chevron also plans to   of 22 million tonnes (mt), down by 8%   Tupras’ 40% stake in Opet, Turkey’s
       lay off more than 50 employees starting Dec.   from 24mt previously forecast and capacity   second-largest fuel retailer, only partly
       14 in both its Bakersfield production unit and   utilisation of 75%-80%, down from 80%-85%.  mitigates this lack of integration, which
       the El Segundo refinery, according to a notice   Tupras reported negative ebitda of Turkish   increases Tupras’ earnings volatility through
       the company sent to the state of California.  lira (TRY) 0.8bn in H1, down from a positive   the cycle.
         About 700 employees will lose jobs in   TRY2.3bn a year ago, on low demand and   Fitch forecasts average Brent oil prices at
       Houston starting this month, according to a   capacity utilisation as it was forced to suspend   $41 per barrel for this year.
       filing with the Texas state.        production at its Izmir refinery in May and   BNE

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   28•October•2020
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