Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2022
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
Tellurian reports 2021 fracturing services and a market leader through the development of world-scale CO2
in natural gas-powered electric fracture
results stimulation, has entered into a contract to The sequestration hub will serve large
facilities in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland
provide electric pressure pumping services
Tellurian ended 2021 with over $300mn in for Olympus Energy, a developer of natural that are seeking an independent and timely
liquidity and over $360mn in standardised gas resources in the core of the Marcellus sequestration solution. Wolf has executed
measure of discounted future net cash flows and Utica shale formations in southwestern agreements with several parties who have
of proved natural gas reserves. Tellurian also Pennsylvania. Under the terms of the offered support of the Wolf sequestration
continued advancing the Driftwood LNG agreement, USWS will operate a Clean Fleet® proposal including Air Products which is
project in 2021 with the following significant for Olympus on a contracted basis through constructing a major net-zero hydrogen
accomplishments: 2022 and for up to two additional years if all energy complex in the region. These projects
Completed Driftwood LNG phase optional extensions are exercised. are projected to provide initial CO2 delivery
one liquefied natural gas (LNG) sales and “US Well Services is pleased to be partnering to the hub of between two to three million
purchase agreements (SPAs) totalling 9mn with Olympus under a long-term contract,” tonnes per annum (MTPA) with ultimate hub
tonnes per annum (mtpa); commented Joel Broussard, the company’s volumes that could exceed six MTPA. The
Executed long-term ground lease president and CEO. “We look forward to combined carbon capture, utilisation, and
agreement with the Lake Charles Harbor building off of the success we had during our storage (CCUS) expertise and experience of
and Terminal district and began owner electric fleet field trial in late 2021. Olympus the project proponents will enable the timely
construction projects; is a premier E&P operator in Appalachia, and safe delivery of sequestration services in
Initiated the Driftwood LNG financing and has consistently demonstrated a focus on this critical industrial centre. The partners
process; environmental stewardship. Our Clean Fleet® will initiate development work immediately
Paid outstanding debt and strengthened technology will help Olympus achieve its to ensure an in-service date prior to the end
the balance sheet; environmental goals and realise fuel savings of 2024.
Drilled and put into production four and other important health, safety, and “Air Products strongly supports the carbon
new Haynesville operated natural gas wells, environmental benefits.” sequestration hub proposed by this innovative
increasing our proved developed reserves “At Olympus, we actively seek out partnership. Wolf, Whitecap, the FNCIP and
by approximately 51bn cubic feet (Bcf) as of opportunities for improvement. The the Indigenous Owners have the experience,
December 31, 2021; commitment to USWS’s Clean Fleet capability, and community trust to safely
Committed to invest $25mn in United technology is a prime example of the deliver a critical piece of energy infrastructure
States reforestation projects with the National team’s continuous efforts to reduce our near Edmonton that will enable substantial
Forest Foundation over the next five years. environmental footprint, increase operational decarbonisation beginning in 2024,” said Seifi
President and CEO Octávio Simões said, efficiency, and lessen any potential short- Ghasemi, Air Products’ chairman, president
“The global economy is in the early stages term impacts for the communities where we and CEO. “The presence of the ACTL was one
of an energy super cycle driven by strong operate,” commented Mike Wahl, Olympus of the factors that led us to select Edmonton
demand for natural gas and several years of Senior Vice President and COO. “We’re proud for our net-zero hydrogen energy complex.”
underinvestment in energy infrastructure. to announce this partnership with USWS and Wolf is an Alberta-based world leader in
Tellurian is optimally positioned with fully to leverage their leading technology into our CCUS and the largest independent CO2
executed market-based LNG SPAs and 2022 development programme.” infrastructure operator in North America
a permitted project. Bechtel will begin US WELL SERVICES, February 18, 2022 through its ownership and operation of
construction of Driftwood LNG in April and the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL).
we will seek to conclude the financing process Whitecap is a Canadian energy company
shortly thereafter.” ENERGY TRANSITION based in Alberta with decades of CO2
“Tellurian will continue our natural gas injection and subsurface project experience.
development program and expects to drill, Wolf Midstream, Whitecap The FNCIP was recently formed by Four
complete and place into production additional Treaty 6 Nations – Alexander First Nation,
operated Haynesville wells during 2022,” Resources and First Nations Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, Enoch
Simões added. Cree Nation and Paul First Nation – to
TELLURIAN, February 23, 2022 partners submit proposal pursue ownership in major infrastructure
projects with commercial partners who
to transform the future of share Indigenous values. The Indigenous
SERVICES Owners, as Treaty rights holders, strengthen
important stakeholder relationships and
US Well Services and carbon reduction provide traditional knowledge and historical
Wolf Midstream, Whitecap Resources, the
perspective for the project.
Olympus Energy finalise First Nation Capital Investment Partnership WOLF MIDSTREAM, February 23, 2022
(FNCIP) and Heart Lake First Nation have
electric frack contract jointly proposed a saline aquifer sequestration
hub in the Fort Saskatchewan area to
US Well Services, a provider of hydraulic transform the future of carbon reduction
Week 08 24•February•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11