Page 11 - EurOil Week 07 2023
P. 11
EurOil POLICY EurOil
Dutch gas use slumps to 50-year low
NETHERLANDS DUTCH natural gas consumption plummeted LNG, including from the new Eemshaven ter-
by 25% in 2022 compared to the previous year, minal, which was developed in response to Rus-
The Netherlands reaching the lowest point in 50 years, Statistics sia’s reduction in gas exports, more than offset
reduced its gas use in Netherlands (CBS) reported on February 13. the lower pipeline imports. Russia’s Gazprom cut
response to soaring The decrease is attributed to surging prices off gas supply to Dutch buyers after their refusal
prices and Russian after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The total to comply with a Kremlin decree requiring pay-
cuts. amount of gas used was 31 bcm, which is lower ment for supplies in rubles instead of the curren-
than the levels recorded in 1972, when the pop- cies stipulated in contracts.
ulation was significantly smaller. The country’s gas storage facilities ended the
The reduction in usage was observed across year 75% full, with 10.8 bcm in storage. This was
all sectors, with large industrial firms and house- more than twice the level at the end of 2021. Like
holds cutting consumption by approximately other European countries, the Netherlands has
25% on average. Chemical companies reduced made a concerted push to expand storage levels
their usage more than electrical utilities, while to reduce the risk of shortages during periods of
large greenhouses, which use gas for heating, peak demand. While the 2022-23 European win-
used about 30% less gas in 2022. Households ter has proved to be mild, governments are now
also benefited from an unseasonably warm preparing steps to ensure that there is enough
autumn, which resulted in a 10% reduction in supply in storage to cover demand next winter.
consumption. That may include the provision of incentives to
The CBS reported that higher imports of reduce consumption.
Week 07 16•February•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P11