Page 14 - MEOG Week 34 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       equipment with a working pressure of 15,000   Company (NIOC) said an annual $400   besides preventing fuel smuggling in the
       psi (pounds per square inch): “Based on   million of hard currency earning will be   island.
       the production and development agenda of   one of the benefits of developing a gas   The plan to transmit gas to power plants
       NIOC, we have stepped in the new generation   transmission project to Kish Island.  on Kish Island using the infrastructure of
       of oil and gas fields development, and the   During a virtual ceremony to officially   the phase one development plan of Kish
       serious plan of under the Raisi administration   launch a gas transmission project in Kish   field, began in January 2018 under the
       is to develop Fahliyan and Khami reservoirs.  Island on Monday, Mohsen Khojastehmehr   responsibility of the employer, Pars Oil and
         He continued: “Likewise, the first plan   said that the project would also free up to   Gas Company, on behalf of the National
       of the National Iranian South Oil Company   7,000 tons of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)   Iranian Oil Company, with the construction
       (NISOC) was presented to the NIOC for   for the country to take advantage of.  of gas transmission pipelines and related
       the development of a number of fields of   The CEO of the National Iranian Oil   stations as well as a string of fibre optic cables
       the Khami and Fahliyan groups, including   Company announced the annual hard   with a total length of 127 km.
       Maroon Khami, Ahvaz Khami and Aghajari,   currency benefits of the project at $400   SHANA
       and a number of others with an investment of   million, and: The hard currency earnings
       $5.5 billion.” The NIOC CEO further said this   and investment return of this project is
       action is being carried out by negotiating with   tantamount to an export income for the   SERVICES
       petrochemical companies and their investing   country.”
       and financing, which entails the supply of   In describing the benefits of this project,   SCOP begins construction
       petrochemical feedstock, light gas supply, and   referring to its environmental aspects, he
       oil production.                     said: “Gas supply to two power plants on Kish   of gas pipe for Akkas power
         Khojastehmehr added: “These fields have   Island, business prosperity, social welfare and
       special characteristics and high pressure and   important indicators of social responsibility   station
       temperature compared to other geological   are among the achievements of this important
       formations, and unfortunately, the monopoly   national project.”         The engineering and technical staff of the
       of the manufacture of these goods and   The NIOC CEO further said: “This   State Company for Oil Projects (SCOP), has
       equipment is in the hands of a few American   project can have export achievements for the   begun a project to extend a gas pipeline from
       companies, which prevent their sale to our   country by saving about one million litres   Akkas gas field to Akkas power station, in Al-
       country; for this reason, fortunately, one of the  of gasoil per day and curb the non-optimal   Qaim district, Anbar Governorate.
       Iranian companies with the order of NIOC   use of about 7,000 tons of LPG per year in   The Director General of SCOP, Eng. Shaker
       has started to manufacture a knowledge-based  Kish Island. Moreover, production of sweet   Mahmoud Khalaf, said, (The national efforts
       and technological item for the first time in   water and power will also increase thanks to   of the Company, represented by Baghdad
       the country, and with the unveiling of this   implementation of the project.”  Projects Authority and Midland Projects
       equipment, we ordered four samples of which   Khojastehmehr announced the investment   Authority, are implementing a project to
       two have been built.”               cost of this project at $350 million, and   construct a (16) inches pipeline over a (30)
         According to him, “among its features   said: “The daily transmission capacity of   km track, and a (6) inches flow lines over a
       is that although its class is 15,000 psi, it has   the gas transmission project to Kish Island   (35) km track).
       passed the 22 psi test, and this is a valuable   is currently 28 million cubic meters, which   He further explained that pipeline laying
       measure at the international level, and we   will be used at the beginning of the route   and welding have been implemented in a
       should seek to export it.”          according to the needs of the island.”  record time and with a non-stop working,
       SHANA                                  Referring to the gas supply to the entire   notwithstanding difficulties of working in a
                                           Kish Island with the plans of the National   land of rocky nature, adding that SCOP staff
                                           Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), he added: “By   were able to overcome such difficulties and
       GAS                                 exploiting this plan and accessing its benefits   have reached an advanced working stages with
                                           and achievements, the long-standing wish   the aim of completing the project to operate
       Iran Eyes $400m/y Profit in         of the people of Kish Island and economic   Akkas power station.
                                           activists and industrialists to use clean fuel has
       Kish Gas Project                    been fulfilled.”
                                              The official went on to add that the return
       The CEO of the National Iranian Oil   on investment of the project takes a year

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   24•August•2022
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