Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 49 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Russian oil cap but OPEC+ keeps to its policy

        GLOBAL           IN early December, the focus was on falls in  output by 2mn barrels per day (bpd), about 2%
                         OPEC oil output following the steps taken by the  of world demand, from November until the end
                         cartel to meet pledged cuts throughout the mar-  of 2023. There were accusations from Washing-
                         ket. A week later, the situation is not materially  ton that the group and, specifically, one of its
                         different but there have been subtle variations.  leaders, Saudi Arabia, was siding with Russia in
                           The week’s developments included the Group  spite of Moscow’s war in Ukraine.  OPEC+ had
                         of Seven (G7) countries setting a price cap on   OPEC+ argued it had cut output because of
                         Russian oil.                         a weaker economic outlook. Oil prices have   angered the
                           The G7 countries and Australia agreed a $60  declined since October due to slower Chinese
                         per barrel price cap on Russian seaborne crude  and global growth and higher interest rates,   US and other
                         oil in a move to deprive Russian President  prompting speculation the group could cut
                         Vladimir Putin of revenue while still keeping  output again.             Western countries
                         Russian oil flowing to global markets. Moscow                             in October when
                         said it would not sell its oil under the cap and  Kuwait comments
                         was analysing how to respond.        OPEC+’s decisions are based on oil market   it agreed to cut
                           Many analysts and OPEC ministers have  data and ensure the market’s stability, Kuwait’s
                         said the price cap is confusing and probably  oil ministry said in a statement on state news   output.
                         inefficient, as Moscow has been selling most  agency KUNA, following a meeting where the
                         of its oil to countries such as China and India,  group decided to continue its existing policy. The
                         which have refused to condemn the war in  impact of slow global economic growth, soaring
                         Ukraine.                             inflation and high interest rates on oil demand
                           Then, at their latest meeting – on December 4  are a cause for “continuous caution”, Kuwaiti Oil
                         – OPEC+ agreed to stick to its oil output targets  Minister Bader al Mulla said.
                         as the oil markets struggle to assess the impact of   Following the December 4 decision, the pol-
                         a slowing Chinese economy on demand and the  icy has remained unchanged. OPEC’s ministers
                         G7 price cap on Russian oil on supply.  will next meet on February 1 for a monitoring
                           OPEC+ had angered the US and other West-  committee, with a full meeting scheduled for
                         ern countries in October when it agreed to cut  June 3-4.™

       Week 49   08•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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