Page 13 - MEOG Week 35 2021
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MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       potential sites in the south of Block 6 to gather   Hamra residential complex.  OPEC compliance with pledged cuts was
       wind speed, temperature and humidity data   OMAN DAILY OBSERVER          115%, the survey found, a level unchanged
       over at least a 12-month period,” it further                             from July.
       noted.                                                                     Saudi Arabia delivered the biggest increase
         Last year, PDO marked the commissioning  OIL                           of 180,000 bpd, as it further raised output as
       of the Amin 100-megawatt (MW) solar plant                                part of the August OPEC+ boost.
       in the south of its concession “three months   OPEC August oil output      The second-biggest came from No. 2
       ahead of target”.                                                        producer Iraq, which boosted exports in
         “The Independent Power Producer   rises, but outages limit gain        August. Exports also rose in Angola, from a
       renewable project provides power for the                                 reduced level in July.
       Interior operations and is one of the world’s   OPEC oil output rose in August to its highest   The UAE added 40,000 bpd in line with
       first utility scale solar projects to have an   since April 2020, a Reuters survey found,   its new quota, while output in Kuwait rose by
       oil and gas company as the sole buyer of   although involuntary losses limited the gain as   20,000 bpd.
       electricity. “                      the group’s top producers further eased supply   Among countries with lower output, the
         “The installation was built and   curbs under a pact with its allies.  biggest decline was in Nigeria, where output
       commissioned in record time, just under 12   OPEC has pumped 26.93 million barrels   dropped by 100,000 bpd according to the
       months after the signing of the engineering,   per day (bpd), the survey found, up 210,000   survey. Exports from the Forcados terminal
       procurement and construction contract,” the   bpd from July’s estimate. Output has risen   are under force majeure due to a leak, a source
       company said.                       every month since June 2020, apart from in   said on Aug. 15.
         PDO’s flagship renewable energy project is   February.                   Iran, which has managed to raise exports
       however the Miraah solar development in the   OPEC and allies, known as OPEC+, have   since the fourth quarter despite U.S. sanctions,
       south of the country.               been easing record output cuts agreed in April   posted lower output this month, the survey
         The giant scheme harnesses the sun’s heat   2020 as demand recovers. OPEC+ meets on   found. The country is exempt from OPEC
       to produce steam, which is then injected into   Wednesday and, with oil up 40% this year at   supply curbs due to the sanctions, and talks to
       the Amal oilfield to get its heavy oil contents   almost $73 a barrel , is expected to stick to its   revive its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers
       to the surface.                     policy. read more                    have stalled.
         At full capacity, Miraah can produce the   “Given the current level of oil prices and   Among the other two producers exempt
       equivalent of 1,021 MW of thermal energy   the possibility of increasing oil demand,   from curbs, Libyan output declined due to a
       and is the first Enhanced Oil Recovery project   OPEC+ is likely to adhere to its previous   pipeline leak, while Venezuela managed to
       of its kind in the world.           decision,” an OPEC+ source told Reuters.  pump slightly more.
         Also slated for commissioning during   The OPEC+ agreement allows for a   REUTERS
       2023, according to officials of PDO and its   400,000 bpd production increase in August
       parent holding company Energy Development  from all members, of which 253,000 bpd is   Turkey’s oil imports grow
       Oman (EDO), is a new Independent Power   shared by the 10 OPEC members covered by
       Project centring on a 100 MW capacity solar-  the deal, OPEC figures seen by Reuters show.  43.2% y/y in June
       based generation component.            While the 10 OPEC members raised
         The project, also planned in the Block 6   output by more than this, OPEC as a whole   Turkey’s oil imports grew by 43.2% y/y to
       concession, will feature – for the first time   has under-delivered on the expected month-  3.99mn tonnes in June, according to data
       in Oman – a large-scale battery storage   on-month rise, the survey found. Members   released by Turkey’s energy watchdog on
       component designed to ensure consistent   are still pumping less than called for under the   August 26.
       and sustained power supply overcoming   latest deal.                       Crude oil imports were up 73% to 2.85mn
       intermittency challenges typically associated   The Reuters survey aims to track supply   tonnes, Turkey’s Energy Market Regulatory
       with solar or wind-based generation.  to the market and is based on shipping   Authority (EMRA) added in its monthly oil
         Other smaller-scale renewable energy   data provided by external sources, Refinitiv   market report.
       schemes in its portfolio include roof and   Eikon flows data, information from tanker   The highest volume of oil and oil products
       ground-mounted solar PV systems that   trackers such as Petro-Logistics and Kpler,   came from Russia at 1.13mn tonnes. Iraq and
       support the company’s energy requirements   and information provided by sources at oil   Kazakhstan followed with 985,868 tonnes and
       at the Mina Al Fahal headquarters and Ras Al   companies, OPEC and consultants.  344,234 tonnes, respectively.

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