Page 3 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2021
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NorthAmOil                                     CONTENTS                                          NorthAmOil

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                                             North America Oil & Gas Monitor

                         NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)
                         NRG: LNG spikes, political swings and new technologies                4


                         Keystone XL’s fate sealed as Biden takes office                       9

                         Commonwealth LNG tries new approach to contracting                  11


                         Kosmos announces Gulf discovery                                     13

                         Halliburton sees bright spots amid fourth-quarter loss              13


                         US rejoins global Paris Accord in bid to tackle climate crisis      14

                         PROJECTS & COMPANIES

                         Suncor, Husky take White Rose royalty battle to court               15

                         Tellurian hopes to start Driftwood construction this summer         15
                         NextDecade deal for Irish LNG supply falls through                  16

                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                                        17

                         OUR CUSTOMERS                                                        19

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       includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its contents
       Week 03   21•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P3
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