Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 23 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                              The sale is expected to close upon the   development and growth of our high quality,
                                           receipt of required regulatory approvals.  independent infrastructure business.”
       Valaris announces floater           this transaction consistent with its stated   in Third Coast Midstream. The transaction
                                             Magellan intends to use the proceeds from
                                                                                  “ArcLight welcomes this new partnership
       contract award                      capital allocation priorities.       is a strong validation of the offshore
                                                                                infrastructure strategy that the company
                                           MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, June 10,
       Valaris announced today that it has been   2021                          has executed over the last several years and
       awarded a three-year contract with Chevron                               enables the integration of King’s Quay, one of
       in the US Gulf of Mexico for drillship,   Third Coast Midstream          the most exciting new developments in the
       VALARIS DS-18 (Relentless). The contract                                 deepwater Gulf of Mexico,” added Josef Alves,
       is expected to commence in the first quarter   completes sale of         a Managing Director at ArcLight.
       of 2022 in direct continuation of the current                              The terms of the transaction are not being
       contract.                           significant minority interest        disclosed.
       VALARIS, June 08, 2021                                                   THIRD COAST MIDSTREAM, June 07, 2021
                                           to global infrastructure
       MIDSTREAM                                                                DOWNSTREAM
       Magellan Midstream                  Third Coast Midstream, an affiliate of   Cryopeak LNG Solutions
                                           ArcLight Capital Partners, announced today
       announces sale of                   that it has sold an approximately 50% interest   announces new LNG
                                           in its subsidiary, Lighthouse Super Holdings,
       independent terminals               to an affiliate of a global infrastructure   production facility in Fort
                                           investment vehicle. Lighthouse owns Third
       Magellan Midstream Partners announced   Coast’s existing offshore-focused midstream   Nelson, BC now in operation
       today an agreement to sell its independent   assets and a 50% interest in King’s Quay
       terminals network comprised of 26   Infrastructure, which owns a new floating   Cryopeak LNG Solutions, a Richmond,
       refined petroleum products terminals with   production system to be deployed in the   BC based company, has announced the
       approximately 6mn barrels of storage located   deepwater Gulf of Mexico.  commencement of operations at its new
       primarily in the southeastern US to Buckeye   “We are pleased to have a new partner   liquefied natural gas (LNG) production
       Partners, for $435mn.               to support our premier Gulf of Mexico   facility in Fort Nelson, BC. Phase 1
         “The sale of our independent terminals   infrastructure platform that provides critical   production capacity is 27,000 LNG gallons per
       demonstrates Magellan’s continued focus   flow assurance services to low cost, low   day and the plant is scalable to approximately
       on utilizing all available options, including   GHG-intensity deepwater production,” said   100,000 gallons per day under its current
       optimisation of our asset portfolio, to   Matthew W. Rowland, Third Coast’s president   permit.
       maximise unitholder value,” said Michael   and chief executive officer. “This new   Cryopeak’s new facility is the most
       Mears, chief executive officer. “We would   partnership positions Third Coast to build off   Northern LNG production plant in Canada.
       like to express Magellan’s gratitude to all   our solid, fee-based foundation and execute   The plant will supply LNG to Northern
       employees dedicated to these facilities for   our disciplined growth agenda. The entire   Canadian communities as well as remote
       their contributions and efforts through the   Third Coast team is excited to embark with   mines and other industrial applications for
       years.”                             our new, trusted partner on the continued   heat and power generation. The strategic
                                                                                location in Fort Nelson places the facility as
                                                                                close as possible to end use consumers.
                                                                                  The location and efficiency of new facility
                                                                                when paired with Cryopeak’s pioneering
                                                                                B-train transport trailers, capable of
                                                                                hauling 20,000 gallons of LNG, results in a
                                                                                lowest available cost of supply for off grid
                                                                                communities and industrial customers.
                                                                                Combining these two optimised platforms
                                                                                also minimises Cryopeak’s environmental
                                                                                  “We are thrilled to now have an LNG
                                                                                production facility available to us in the far
                                                                                north of the Province,” says Rick Loughery,
                                                                                purchasing logistics manager for Coeur
                                                                                Silvertip Holdings, the owner of the Silvertip
                                                                                Mine. “Cryopeak has been a reliable supplier
                                                                                of LNG to the Silvertip Mine for several
                                                                                years now, and this new facility will allow
                                                                                it to deliver LNG from a location that is
                                                                                much closer to our site, which will result in

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   10•June•2021
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