Page 12 - DMEA Week 21 2022
P. 12
Iran and Oman agree to
resume gas pipeline project
MIDDLE EAST IRAN and Oman are resurrecting a project to on May 22.
lay an underwater pipeline to transport gas to The project was subsequently shelved due to
Oman, according to Iran’s Oil Minister Javad price disputes and US pressure on Oman.
Owji. Iran has some of the world’s largest gas A year ago, Oman’s Oil & Gas Minister
reserves. Oman is also interested in providing its Mohammed al-Ruhmy said that the Sultanate
energy-intensive industries, as well as liquefied was keen to resume talks to construct the line
natural gas (LNG) export plants. once sanctions have been lifted.
IRNA said the agreement to revive the project Speaking to S&P Global Platts, al-Ruhmy
was reached during a trip to Oman by Iranian said: “Maybe soon we will be talking about
Oil Minister Javad Owji ahead of an official visit bringing life to that project again. There are
to the Gulf Arab state by Iranian President Ebra- many opportunities to make good use of that
him Raisi. project from Oman’s point of view.”
In 2013, the two countries signed an agree- The plan centred around a 400-km land-
ment worth $60bn over 25 years for Iran to sup- sea pipeline involving the laying of a 200-km
ply a minimum of 28mn cubic metres per day of onshore section from Rudan to Mobarak Mount
gas to Oman via an underwater pipeline. in Iran’s southern Hormuzgan province, with the
In 2016, the two countries renewed efforts to other 200 km running on the seabed between
implement the project, and in 2017 Iran said it Iran and Sohar Port in Oman. The construction
had agreed with Oman to reroute the planned phase was originally anticipated taking around
pipeline to avoid UAE-controlled waters. 30 months.
“The Iranian gas could be used as feed for In 2016, officials from the National Iranian
Oman LNG, creating some additional capacity Gas Exports Co. (NIGEC) met with representa-
for both countries. Once the US sanctions are tives of Oman’s energy ministry and IOCs Shell,
lifted, the EU should invest in the project and Total and Korea Gas Corp. (KOGAS) for further
then import the end product to Europe,” Iranian discussions but the talks were abandoned follow-
economic expert Bijan Khajehpour, comment- ing the US withdrawal from the Joint Compre-
ing on an online report by Tehran Bazaar said hensive Plan of Action in 2018.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 21 26•May•2022