Page 4 - DMEA Week 21 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Despite recent issues, Nigeria

       talks up refining ambitions

       Nigeria has unveiled an optimistic new refining roadmap.
       While none of the projects are ‘new’ , the ambitious timeline is.

        AFRICA           NIGERIAN officials spoke optimistically this  success of these plans. Following a meeting with
                         week about their ambitious plans for refining  President Muhammadu Buhari in April, Aliko
                         expansion amid calls for the build-out of the  Dangote said that the $19bn plant should be
       WHAT:             country’s midstream.                 completed by the end of the current adminis-
       With a current capacity of   While refinery capacity is limited to several  tration. “By the grace of God, Mr President will
       just 16,000 bpd, Nigeria   small modular units that have in recent months  come and commission it (the refinery) before the
       is planning to reach   complained about a lack of feedstock, Abuja is  end of his term next year.”
       1.4mn bpd by 2027.  adamant it can rapidly turn around its poor per-  Meanwhile, Dangote Group executive for
                         formance in the downstream sector.   strategy, capital projects and portfolio devel-
       WHY:                Though multi-billion-dollar repairs are being  opment Devakumar Edwin, said in late March
       The country has long   carried out on the Nigerian National Petroleum  that “75% hydraulic testing ... as well as 70% of
       suffered from a lack of   Corp.’s (NNPC’s) full 445,000 barrel per day  electrical cable fitting have been completed pre-
       efficient opportunities to   (bpd) slate which is currently sitting idle, the  paratory to the completion of the refinery in the
       integrate its world-class   majority of the increase is seen coming from  fourth quarter of this year.” NNPC owns a 20%
       upstream with facilities   the private sector, which also has a patchy track  stake in the project and managing director Mele
       that can produce   record.                             Kyari said this week he expects it to start up in
       products for domestic                                  Q1 2023.
       consumption.      Target setting                         In a recent ratings announcement though,
                         Looking to support local communities, create  Fitch said that it anticipates that the refinery will
       WHAT NEXT:        jobs, shelter the country from fuel market vola-  start production in the second half of 2023, and
       The success of the   tility and wean itself off costly fuel subsidies and  “conservatively assumes a six-month delay in
       programme will largely   imports, the Ministry of Petroleum Resources  production ramp-up versus management expec-
       be determined by the   (MPR) has unveiled a Refining Roadmap that  tations with an average gross refining margin of
       completion and start-  entails an increase in capacity to 1.4mn bpd by  $10 per barrel”.
       up of the long-awaited   2027 from the current level of just 16,000 bpd.  Progress on rehabilitating the state refineries
       Dangote Refinery.   While almost 80% of the increase is seen  appears to be moving in a similar direction. In
                         coming from the rehabilitation of the four state-  April, Nigerian Minister of State for Petroleum
                         owned refineries and the launch of the giant  Resources Timipre Sylva said that the first phase
                         Dangote unit, a hike of nearly 300,000 bpd is  of ongoing repair work at the 210,000 bpd Port
                         envisaged from smaller private plants.  Harcourt Refining Complex (PHRC) should
                           Outlining the repair of state-run refineries  be completed in early 2023, offering a figure of
                         and the provision of ‘strategic support’ for the  60,000 bpd by April.
                         development of privately owned greenfield and   PHRC comprises a 60,000 bpd unit built in
                         modular units, Simbi Wabote, executive secre-  1965, known as Area 5, and a newer unit built in
                         tary of the Nigerian Content Development and  1989 capable of processing 150,000 bpd of crude.
                         Monitoring Board (NCDMB), said: “Combined  It has been offline since 2019 amid reports that
                         refining capacity of more than 1.4mn bpd is  no comprehensive turnaround maintenance
                         expected from these focus areas within the next  (TAM) had been carried out for as long as 40
                         five years.”                         years.
                           He continued: “About 400,000 bpd is   Having secured a $1bn loan from Cai-
                         expected from the rehabilitation of NNPC  ro-based African Export-Import Bank (Afrex-
                         refineries in Port Harcourt, Warri and Kaduna  imbank) in February 2021, the Nigerian
                         using target performance of not less than 90%  government awarded a $1.5bn contract to Italy’s
                         of nameplate capacity. The greenfield element  Maire Tecnimont two months later covering the
                         of the roadmap covers the 650,000 bpd Dangote  engineering, procurement and construction
                         Refinery in Lagos and the 200,000 bpd BUA  (EPC) work to revive the refinery.
                         Refinery in Akwa Ibom.”                The original plan was to achieve 90% of its
                           Accounting for more than 45% of the total,  nameplate capacity by 2023, with the second and
                         the Dangote plant will clearly be key to the  third phases six and 26 months later respectively.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 21   26•May•2022
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