Page 16 - MEOG Week 40 2021
P. 16
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global EurOil: more UK energy suppliers go under
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join Three more UK energy suppliers have ceased
our team of international editors, who provide a trading, Ofgem announced on September 30, as
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their the crisis on the country’s gas and power mar-
regional beats. kets deepens. The companies, Enstroga, Igloo
We hope you enjoy NRG’s new concise for- Energy and Symbio Energy, have 6,000, 179,000
mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each and 48,000 customers respectively, Ofgem said.
section the full text will be available as before.
FSUOGM: Push to delay Gyetvay case
AfrOil: EACOP nears pipe supply deals US prosecutors are pushing for a delay in a tax
The consortium set up to build and operate fraud case involving the deputy chairman of
the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is Russian gas producer Novatek, Mark Gyetvay,
reportedly close to finalising arrangements with arguing that they need more time to gather
future suppliers of steel pipe. evidence. Florida businessman Gyetvay was
According to Martin Tiffen, the general man- arrested in the US on September 24 on charges
ager of the consortium, TotalEnergies (France) of hiding $93mn in offshore accounts and failing
and the other investors in EACOP are still wait- to pay tax on $40mn of income.
ing to sign the main supply agreements for the
pipeline, which will carry crude from western GLNG: QP’s pair of Chinese deals
Uganda to Tanzania’s Indian Ocean coast. State-owned Qatar Petroleum has signed a pair
of deals with Chinese companies in the last two
AsianOil: India raises gas prices weeks that highlight the role of Asian players in
The Indian government has increased natural Doha’s expansion plans.
gas prices for the majority of the country’s pro- Last week, QP signed a 15-year sale and pur-
duction by 62% for the next six months. chase agreement to supply 3.5mn tonnes per
The Ministry for Petroleum and Natural Gas’ year of LNG to a subsidiary of China National
Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) Offshore Oil Corp.
announced on September 30 that rates for New
Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) and pre- LatAmOil: Colombia’s hydrogen ambitions
NELP blocks for the six months from October 1 Colombia’s government has finalised and pub-
would climb from $1.79 per mmBtu ($49.51 per lished a long-term plan for the establishment of
1,000 cubic metres) to $2.9 per mmBtu ($80.21 a domestic hydrogen industry.
per 1,000 cubic metres). The plan, known as the Hydrogen Roadmap,
outlines the steps the South American country
DMEA: Iraqi and Nigerian refining updates will take to promote the production and con-
This week’s DMEA covers updates on major sumption of blue and green hydrogen as an
refinery work in Iraq and Nigeria. The South energy source over the next 30 years.
Korean consortium, led by Hyundai Engineer-
ing & Construction, that is developing Iraq’s NorthAmOil: Ottawa invokes 1977 treaty
Karbala refinery provided an update on the pro- The Canadian government invoked Article Six
ject which is nearing completion. of the 1977 Transit Pipelines Treaty on October
Meanwhile, the Nigerian National Petroleum 4 amid a dispute over Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline
Corp. (NNPC) this week provided an update on with the State of Michigan.
work to rehabilitate the country’s largest refinery The move kicks off a dispute resolution pro-
complex, which is expected to resume near full cess contained in the treaty, paving the way for
operations by 2023. direct talks with the administration of US Presi-
dent Joe Biden over the pipeline. .
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P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 40 06•October•2021