Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 35
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Argentina takes a different

       approach to the Falklands

       According to Daniel Filmus, the Secretary of the Malvinas Islands, Buenos Aires may allow

       IOCs that have worked in disputed waters to participate in new offshore bidding rounds

                         ARGENTINA’S government has indicated   filed suit against IOCs involved in the search
                         that it may permit international oil companies   for crude oil and natural gas near the islands, on
       WHAT:             (IOCs) that have been involved in the explora-  the ground that the companies in question are
       Argentina is no longer   tion of offshore fields near the Falkland Islands   violating its national sovereignty. Now, though,
       focusing on legal action.  to submit bids for sections of the Argentinian   it has suggested that it is willing to follow a dif-
                         continental shelf, provided that they meet cer-  ferent course.
       WHY:              tain conditions.
       Buenos Aires hopes to   The Falkland Islands are under the control of   Carrots instead of sticks
       draw investors in by   the UK, but Argentina has claimed them as its   Daniel Filmus, Argentina’s Secretary of the Mal-
       offering other sites.  own and calls them the Malvinas. That claim led   vinas Islands, noted last week that Buenos Aires
                         to a brief (and undeclared) war between the two   had identified five such IOCs.
       WHAT NEXT:        countries in 1982.                     All five, he said, “have been charged for oper-
       The new policy may not   The UK emerged as the winner of that con-  ating in an area claimed by Argentina, among
       draw a significant re-  flict, but Argentina has continued to press its   which some are from [the] UK, Italy, France and
       sponse in the near term.  claim on multiple fronts. It has, for example,   [the] USA.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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