Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 12 2021
P. 13

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       RUSSIA                              and other "green" challenges.        Uniper, OMV support Nord
                                              Recent reports suggest several initiatives
       Russia's Novatek gas                are being developed at the same time,   Stream-2 in wake of US
                                           such as green certificates, a greenhouse
       major surprises with 2H20           gas (GHG) emission reduction strategy, an   sanction threats
                                           energy efficiency policy, as well as a law on
       dividends                           reducing C02 emissions.              Austria’s OMV believes that the Nord
                                                                                Stream-2 gas pipeline is  a purely economic
                                              Reportedly, under the core 2021 focus
       The board of Russian natural gas major   on climate issues and the move to carbon   project that would improve Europe’s
       Novatek recommended another dividend   neutrality, the government admits that   competitiveness, while Germany’s Uniper
       of RUB23.74 (USc 32) per share for 2020,   nuclear energy is low-carbon (and is to be   is sure that the pipeline will be finished,
       in addition to RUB11.82 already paid for   included into the green certificates) and   representatives of the two companies told
       1H20.                               aims to work on promoting nuclear energy   PRIME on March 19.
         As reported by bne IntelliNews, the   as low carbon abroad.              On March 18, US State Secretary Antony
       company posted higher than expected    As analysed by bne IntelliNews, the   Blinken again said that the companies
       earnings for 4Q20, on the back of improved   state-owned nuclear agency Rosatom is on   that participate in the project risk being
       gas prices and increased production.  a tear and the export of nuclear technology   sanctioned by the US demanding them to
         "The company approved a new dividend   is already one of Russia’s biggest overseas   stop working on the pipeline.
       policy at the end of last year stipulating a   earners.                    “We are still sure that the pipeline would
       minimum payout of 50% of adjusted IFRS   The company operates 35 NPPs in   be finished and that the Nord Stream-2
       net income," Sberbank CIB reminds on   Russia that produce 28 GW of power, or   is feasible from an energy point of view,”
       March 22.                           18% of domestic energy needs, and it is   Uniper’s representative said, adding that
         Based on this and the 2020 results, the   actively exporting its nuclear technology   U.S. sanctions have no impact on the
       analysts expected a payment of RUB16   to countries around the world. At the   company as it was a financial investor of the
       per share for 2H20. "However, the BoD   end of 2019, Rosatom expected to triple   project.
       has opted to use a 64% payout ratio,"   its FX-denominated revenues by 2030 by   “We are constantly monitoring political
       they calculate, "meaning that the 2H20   expanding the number and type of foreign   developments around the project, and we
       payment is substantially higher than we had   projects and new products.  are in contact with the German government
       anticipated (by 50%)."                 In addition, the government also plans   about it. We support the approach aimed
         However, the difference in yields is not   to oppose foreign initiatives that enforce   at constructive dialogue between Germany,
       that significant (making an extra 50 basis   foreign regulations in Russia concerning   the E.U., and the U.S. to prevent unilateral
       points). The 2H20 DPS of RUB23.74 implies   artificial trade barriers and instead support   economic sanctions.”
       a 1.7% dividend yield and takes the total   the promotion of "green" financing.  “OMV is one of the creditors of the Nord
       DPS for 2020 to RUB35.5, for a 2.5% yield,   The Ministry for Economic Development   Stream-2 project. We see this project an
       Sberbank CIB estimates.             reportedly estimated that declaring nuclear   economic one, which is important for both
         As followed by bne IntelliNews, Novatek   power to be low-carbon would make it   the energy security and competitiveness of
       is securing the financing for Arctic LNG-2,   possible to reach the national climate targets  Europe,” OMV’s representative said.
       its second liquefaction project to launch   and boost its export potential.  The Nord Stream-2 project envisages
       production. Its first, Yamal LNG, went   Under the curent strategy, by 2030 Russia  construction of two lines of a natural gas
       on stream in December 2017 and is now   will have reduced GHG emissions to 70% of   pipeline with an annual capacity of up
       producing 17mn tonnes per year (tpy) of   the 1990 level, implying nuclear power plant  to 55bn cubic meters, running from the
       super-cooled gas.                   capacity is to increase 7%, VTB Capital   Russian shore to Germany under the Baltic
                                           wrote on March 17.                   Sea. Russian gas giant Gazprom builds the
                                              "Russia has adopted a wide definition   pipeline together with Germany’s Uniper
       Russian nuclear plants              of low-carbon energy (as was proposed   and Wintershall Dea, Royal Dutch Shell,
                                                                                Austria’s OMV, and France’s Engie.
                                           by the Ministry of Energy) and is to
       could be included in "green         include nuclear power into its certification
                                           mechanism, with the final legislation to be
       certificates"                       approved soon," VTBC comments.       BP's interest in Rosneft

       Russian government plans to approve the   "The Russian power mix currently   expands to 22% in 2020
       inclusion of nuclear power plants (NPPs)   includes about 40% of low-carbon
       into the "green" certificates mechanism,   electricity, while we estimate that the   BP’s interests in Rosneft rose to 22.03%
       Izvestia daily reported, citing a report   largest industrial consumers account for   in 2020 from 19.75% in 2019 due to the
       by Deputy Prime Minister Victoria   37% of total demand. Those exporters have   Russian oil firm’s transactions in its own
       Abramchenko to President Vladimir Putin.  the capacity to lower their CO2 Scope 2   shares, the British energy company said in
         As reported by bne IntelliNews, Russian   footprint through bilateral contracts and the  its annual report on March 22, according to
       state energy policy is focusing more and   green certificates mechanism," the analysts   Reuters.
       more on ESG, as Russia belatedly prepares   believe.                       BP, which acquired its stake in Rosneft in
       to tackle the EU carbon tax introduction                                 2013 following the $12.5bn sale of its stake

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