Page 15 - GLNG Week 16 2022
P. 15
Latvia to halt Russian gas imports as of
2023, set to build LNG terminal
TERMINALS THE Latvian government has effectively agreed The Ministry of Economics has been tasked
to halt imports of Russian natural gas as of Jan- with performing updated calculations of the
uary 1, 2023, the country’s economics minister benefits of the installation. “Indicatively, it could
has said, be even twice as beneficial as the Paldiski or Klai-
Amendments by the Ministry of Econom- peda terminal. Of course, it’s also more beneficial
ics, supported by the government, have yet to than building a terminal in Skulte,” Feldmans
be deliberated by the Latvian parliament, the said.
Saeima. The best known of the previously announced
Vitenbergs, the minister, described this deci- projects in Latvia is the idea of an LNG terminal
sion as a ‘historic event’ for strengthening Latvia’s at Skulte.
energy security and independence. Vitenbergs said that the terminal might be
Vitenbergs says that the first step for Latvia constructed by the end of 2023 or beginning
to opt out of using Russia’s natural gas is to agree of 2024. By May 31, the Economics Ministry is
with Finland and Estonia that Latvia will be able expected to present an assessment of the termi-
to receive additional gas from the Paldiski termi- nal’s potential location, benefits and costs.
nal until it builds its own gas terminal. For a short-term solution, Latvia will work
The government has also decided that the with Estonia and Finland to implement the LNG
construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal project in Paldiski, as it is the only way
terminal in Latvia is in the strategic interests of to ensure additional gas supplies to the region
the country. already this season. The government has author-
Building an LNG terminal would also ensure ised Vitenbergs to hold talks on the project with
that it is also appealing for neighbouring coun- Estonia and Finland.
tries to use the Incukalns storage facility, the As a first step, the Latvian economics min-
ministry says. ister is expected to sign a legally and financially
Chair of the Saeima Economy, Agricultural, non-binding memorandum of understanding
Environmental and Regional Policy Commis- (MoU) with the Estonian minister of economic
sion Krisjanis Feldmans has said that terminals affairs and communications and the Finnish
located in Klaipeda and Paldiski are not a ‘tacti- minister of economic affairs and employment
cal structure and are quite expensive’ solutions. with the aim of deepening co-operation on this
For example, the Klaipeda terminal costs project.
around €50-60mn per year, he pointed out.
Week 16 22•April•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15