Page 8 - DMEA Week 39
P. 8

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Saudi ships first blue ammonia

       The Kingdom has made the world’s first shipment of blue ammonia as it eyes
       leadership of the hydrogen industry.

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI Arabia this week announced that it had  disadvantage.”
                         shipped its first cargo of blue ammonia to Japan   Aramco subsidiary SABIC and Mitsubishi
       WHAT:             in a move that sets the Kingdom’s stall for a major  Corp. – represented by IEEJ – are responsible
       Saudi Arabia shipped a   push into hydrogen. The 40-tonne consignment  for the project’s logistics in collaboration with
       40-tonne cargo of blue   of ammonia will be used in zero-carbon power  JGC, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engineering,
       ammonia to Japan as part   generation.                 Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and UBE Industries.
       of a study undertaken to   The shipment was generated by NOC Saudi   SABIC’s vice-president of energy efficiency
       prove feasibility.  Aramco and was made with the support of Saudi  and carbon management, Dr. Fahad Al-She-
                         Arabian Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC) and the  rehy, said the company could leverage its “exist-
       WHY:              Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ).  ing infrastructure for hydrogen and ammonia
       Riyadh has already taken   Aramco said that during the process of gener-  production with CO2 capture”. He added: “Our
       steps to become a major   ating the ammonia, it had captured 50 tonnes of  experience in the full supply chain along with
       player in the nascent   carbon dioxide (CO2). 30 tonnes will be used in  integrated petrochemicals facilities will play an
       hydrogen market and   methanol production at SABIC’s Ibn-Sina facil-  important role in providing blue ammonia to
       this project adds to the   ity, with the remainder to be used in enhanced oil  the world.”
       momentum.         recovery (EOR) at Aramco’s ‘Uthmaniyah field.
                           In a presentation, Aramco said that the pro-  NEOM
       WHAT NEXT:        duction of blue ammonia had spanned the entire  The announcement follows the recent signing of
       The $5bn NEOM hydrogen   value chain, supporting the company’s recent  a $5bn deal to develop the world’s largest hydro-
       project will be the world’s   claims of investing in the circular economy.  gen production facility at NEOM, the Kingdom’s
       biggest when it comes on   Natural gas was taken from ‘Uthmaniyah and  $500bn smart city currently under construction
       stream in 2025, utilising   converted to hydrogen at a dedicated facility in  on the Red Sea coast.
       4 GW of solar and wind   Jubail, with the CO2 captured at a nearby facility   The NEOM project company is collaborating
       power to create green   and returned to ‘Uthmaniyah and sent to Jubail  on the facility with ACWA Power and Air Prod-
       hydrogen and ammonia.  Methanol Plant. Nitrogen was added to the  ucts, with the latter having agreed to be the sole
                         hydrogen at the Jubail Ammonia Plant to cre-  offtaker.
                         ate blue ammonia, which was then dispatched   The facility will come into production in 2025,
                         by sea to Japan, where it will be separated and  achieving 4 GW of renewable energy from a com-
                         used to power the 50-kW Koriyama micro gas  bination of solar and wind to generate 650 tonnes
                         turbine, the 2-MW Yokohama gas turbine and a  per day (tpd) of green hydrogen through electrol-
                         co-firing boiler in Aioi.            ysis. This will then be converted to 1.2mn tonnes
                           In a press release, Aramco’s chief technology  per year (tpy) of green ammonia through catalysis.
                         officer Ahmad Al-Khowaiter: “The use of hydro-  Air Products has undertaken to create the
                         gen is expected to grow in the global energy  logistical infrastructure to hook up NEOM with
                         system, and this world’s first demonstration  end-user facilities, which is expected to cost the
                         represents an exciting opportunity for Aramco  company around $2bn.
                         to showcase the potential of hydrocarbons as
                         a reliable and affordable source of low-carbon  Staking a claim
                         hydrogen and ammonia.”               Already the world’s largest oil producer, these
                           Al-Khowaiter noted the importance of multi-  developments put Saudi Arabia in a leadership
                         national partnerships to facilitating the ‘Circular  position in the nascent hydrogen industry.
                         Carbon Economy’.                       Given the country’s reliance on revenues
                           Meanwhile, Toyoda Masakazu, chairman and  from oil, it is highly unlikely to prioritise hydro-
                         CEO of IEEJ, said: “Blue ammonia is critical to  gen, but it clearly sees the market as an oppor-
                         Japan’s zero-carbon emission ambitions to sus-  tunity to diversify its economy away from such
                         tain the balance between the environment and  dependence on crude sales, just the same way it
                         the economy. About 10% of power in Japan can  has done with petrochemicals.
                         be generated by 30mn tonnes of blue ammonia.”  While the generation of green hydrogen and
                           He added: “We can start with co-firing blue  ammonia is highly capital-intensive, blue hydro-
                         ammonia in existing power stations, eventu-  gen – that which is generated from natural gas via
                         ally transitioning to single firing with 100%  steam reforming with the resultant CO2 captured
                         blue ammonia. There are nations such as Japan  and stored – is 40-75% cheaper. Considering the
                         which cannot necessarily utilise carbon capture  volumes of hydrocarbons Saudi Arabia produces,
                         and storage (CCS) or EOR due to their geologi-  this offers Aramco yet another cost-effective
                         cal conditions. The carbon-neutral blue ammo-  opportunity to increase revenues from existing
                         nia/hydrogen will help overcome this regional  activities, and perhaps to reduce gas flaring. ™

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