Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 37
P. 15

FSUOGM                                        INVESTMENT                                           FSUOGM

       Rosneft oil maintains strong

       buyback activity

        RUSSIA           THE buyback activity of Russian state-con-  rising political tensions and oil falling from $46
                         trolled oil major Rosneft remained elevated on  per barrel at the start of September to about $40
       Rosneft promised   the week ending September 11, with about 1mn  per barrel, BCS GM analysts argue.
       a major buyback   shares bought on average daily, BCS Global Mar-  Overall, "the ramp-up of the buyback
       programme in its 2018   kets wrote on September 15 citing the date dis-  does not appear so much to have led to
       investor pledges.  closed by the country's largest crude producer to  outperformance for Rosneft versus its Rus-
                         the London Stock Exchange (LSE).     sian oil & gas peers, but rather kept it in the
                           As followed by bne IntelliNews, the analysts  middle of the pack," BCS GM notes, while
                         previously welcomed the buyback of Rosneft, as  maintaining the Buy recommendation on
                         it is seen as maintaining investor interest despite  the name.
                         the rising political and geopolitical pressure on   Such a situation would have been unlikely in
                         Russian equities.                    a declining market due to the stock’s traditionally
                           "Rosneft’s buyback activities continue at an  relatively high beta to the overall market, BCS
                         elevated pace, confirming they are structured to  GM believes.
                         provide support during times of market weak-  As reported by bne IntelliNews, a massive
                         ness," BCS GM wrote, seeing the news as positive  share buyback programme was part of Rosneft's
                         for the name.                        2018 investment makeover, when it pledged
                           The buying algorithms used by the manager  to cut debt, rein in its investment programme
                         of Rosneft’s buyback have apparently been trig-  and shed non-profitable assets. The company
                         gered by the weakness in the overall Russian  also raised its dividend payout to 50% of IFRS
                         market, which has come under pressure due to  profit.™


       Russian energy official

       charged with graft

        RUSSIA           A Russian deputy energy minister has been  Ryzhkov, and the vice-presidents of a company
                         charged with embezzling over RUB603mn  called Lanit, Vladimir Makarov and Viktor Ser-
       A number of senior   ($8mn) in state funds, the Russian Investigative  ebryakov, were also involved in the scheme and
       officials have been   Committee reported on September 9.  have been detained, the Committee said.
       arrested in recent years,   Anatoly Tikhonov, one of eight deputies serv-  In early July a deputy education minister,
       as part of Putin's public   ing under Russian Energy Minister Alexander  Marina Lukashevich, was also arrested on sus-
       commitment to clamp   Novak, took the position in July last year. He was  picion of embezzling RUB40mn.
       down on graft.    well acquainted with Novak, according to RBC,   Corruption is endemic in Russia and several
                         with the two men both working as deputies  ministers, vice-ministers and other senior offi-
                         under the governor of the Krasnoyarsk region  cials have been arrested in recent years, as part of
                         up until 2008.                       President Vladimir Putin’s public commitment
                           Tikhonov stands accused of siphoning off  to clamp down on graft. But critics say such
                         funds designated for the development of an IT  arrests are used to punish or threaten those that
                         system. A total of RUB968mn was allocated for  have fallen foul of rivals in Russia’s power circles.
                         the project, meaning he allegedly took over 60%.   Former Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev
                         Kommersant wrote that the theft took place  was jailed for bribery in 2017. He was caught tak-
                         between 2013 and 2015.               ing a $2mn bribe in a sting operation undertaken
                           The official was detained after interrogation  by FSB in the previous year at the headquarters of
                         on September 8. The Investigative Committee  Rosneft. Ulyukayev, who was sentenced to eight
                         and the FSB raided the offices of several Energy  years in a labour colony, claims he was set up for
                         Ministry officials last week, according to Rus-  opposing Rosneft’s acquisition of mid-sized oil
                         sian media reports. Tikhonov’s advisor Roman  producer Bashneft. ™

       Week 37   16•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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