Page 7 - MEOG Annual Review 2021
P. 7

MEOG                                           FEBRUARY                                               MEOG

                         monthly exports for that purpose, so that Iraq  deficit of around $3bn.
                         will be more than 100% sure it can meet its obli-  It is worth noting that Jabbar has repeatedly
                         gations under such deals.”           reiterated Iraq’s commitment to the cuts, though
                                                              compliance has continued to be poor.
                         Regional wrangling                     Exports increased significantly during the
                         Meanwhile, Jabbar said that while talks with the  first half of February, and while only indicative
                         Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) about  of production, Bloomberg has estimated that
                         Erbil’s rights to its share of Federal spending  the pace of exports suggests that output for the
                         remain ongoing despite the draft Iraqi budget  full month could exceed the self-imposed quota
                         having been put forward in December, he is opti-  of 3.6mn bpd or even the OPEC+ mandated
                         mistic about a deal being reached.   3.857mn bpd level.
                           As with previous budgets, the KRG should   It quoted an industry official who said on con-
                         receive 12.67% of the total budget equating to  dition of anonymity that Baghdad had intended
                         around $13bn, but there remain issues related to  to increase exports during the first half of the
                         budget payments to Erbil being contingent on it  month in anticipation that inclement weather
                         handing over 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of  could rein them in later in February.
                         crude to SOMO and giving the revenues to the   Jabbar’s deputy Karim Hattab was quoted
                         central treasury.                    recently by the Iraqi News Agency as saying:
                           He said that discussions were continuing  “Iraq is committed to the [OPEC+] agreement
                         between Baghdad and technical and financial  to cut production in light of the current chal-
                         teams from the KRG, noting that a “formula has  lenges facing the international oil market and
                         been agreed”, in reference to the 250,000 bpd  global oil producers due to the coronavirus that
                         condition mentioned above. He added “Further  led to the contraction and recession in the global
                         formulas are under discussions also and I think  economy.”
                         the issue is heading towards a solution.”  He added that the “increase in oil prices is a
                           Meanwhile, Jabbar opined that the KRG’s  result of the commitment of producing countries
                         existing contracts with field developers had  to the agreement”.
                         been signed during tense political times, adding   Meanwhile, with Iraq having produced
                         that they were “unsuccessful” for not bringing  3.807mn bpd during January, below its OPEC+
                         enough revenue to Erbil.             quota, Hattab said that “any future increase
                                                              in production or exports hinges on oil market
                         Eyes on exports                      needs”, noting that the MoO’s priority would be
                         As we approach March and the next meeting  increasing gas production and the development
                         of the OPEC+ group, the focus has returned to  of the refining sector.
                         Iraqi oil production, with the country having   S&P Global Platts quoted data from OPEC+’s
                         pledged to make compensatory cuts following  Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee which
                         its failure to comply with group-wide reduction  showed that Iraq had overproduced by a cumula-
                         targets.                             tive 626,000 bpd through the final eight months
                           While Jabbar last year noted that Iraq’s inten-  of 2020, meaning that it has a further 576,000
                         tion was to increase prices rather than sales  bpd of compensatory cuts still to make.
                         volumes, the country’s Finance Minister and   With prices rising into the $60-70 per barrel
                         Deputy Prime Minister Ali Allawi has publicly  range and Iraq’s government continuing to run
                         questioned the long-term feasibility of maintain-  at a deficit, so it will be a major challenge not to
                         ing the status quo of restraining oil production  succumb to the temptation to sell more oil while
                         while the government operates at a monthly  the going is good.™

       Annual Review •2021                      www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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