Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Deal a double-

       edged sword for

       climate activists

       A high-profile piece of US legislation has been tabled that stipulates oil and
       gas leasing will be a prerequisite for the issuance of renewable energy permits.

        UNITED STATES    A bill agreed by US Senators last week proposes  evasion ($124bn) and the closing of a carried
                         a $369bn commitment towards fighting climate  interest tax loophole for private equity and hedge
                         change but comes with the caveat of more oil and  fund managers ($14bn).
       WHAT:             gas drilling permit awards.          This represents the largest tax hike for years but
       The Inflation Reduction   Following weeks of negotiations, Senate  falls well short of President Joe Biden’s plans to
       Act seeks to reduce   Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator  reconfigure the tax code system, with the 21%
       the US deficit while   Joe Manchin from West Virginia outlined their  regular corporate tax rate remaining as is.
       committing hundreds   Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 covering   Meanwhile, $433bn of spending will be split
       of billions of dollars to   tax, climate and healthcare on July 27, with the  between improving energy security and tackling
       renewables, providing   planned bill seen as a major breakthrough.  climate change ($369bn) and the extension of
       that oil and gas leasing   However, given the bill’s specific inclusion of  the affordable care act ($64bn).
       continues.        increased drilling rights in Alaska and the Gulf   The bill offers significant support for renew-
                         of Mexico (GoM), it remains unclear whether  able energy.
       WHY:              or not it will be passed by all of the Democrat   However, approval for renewable projects on
       Its announcement   Senators when brought before the split Senate in  federal land and water would be contingent on
       surprised many and   August. Meanwhile, getting passed by the House  future sales, a clause that was instantly met with
       followed weeks of tense   is also no sure thing.       criticism by clean energy proponents.
                         The deal                             Lease sales
       WHAT NEXT:        The senators’ 725-page proposal outlines $739bn  For the oil and gas sector, perhaps the key takea-
       Changes are anticipated   of deficit reduction through the imposition of a  way is the requirement that the Interior Depart-
       before the bill is put   15% minimum corporate tax ($313bn), reform-  ment hold auctions for leases in the GoM and
       before the Senate.  ing pricing for prescription drugs ($288bn),  Alaska’s Cook Inlet, just a few months after they
                         overhaul of the IRS to clamp down on tax  were scrapped. In May, it cancelled the auctions,

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   31•July•2022
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