Page 21 - LatAmOil Week 01 2021
P. 21

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Bahamas Petroleum

       Co. provides update on
       court process, drilling of

       Perseverance-1 well

       Further to BPC’s announcements of Decem-
       ber 29, 2020, December 30, 2020 and Decem-
       ber 31, 2020, The Honourable Justice Petra
       Hanna-Weekes has provided her ruling on
       various matters (as referred to in those prior
         In summary, the Court’s ruling is as follows:
       The Honourable Justice Petra Hanna-Weekes
       has refused to grant any orders that would affect  sales from the producing Santa Cruz Sur assets,   Wells MDM-2025h and MDM-2027h were
       BPC’s current operations. This means that the  onshore Argentina.        the first two wells of the Company in the Lower
       drilling of Perseverance-1 will continue. The   The Company is pleased to confirm that  Carbonate landing zone of Vaca Muerta, con-
       application from Environmentalists against the  it has secured a further gas sales contract at a  sisting of 2,186 metres of lateral length with 26
       Government of The Bahamas to seek leave to  premium to prevailing spot market rates. This  completion stages, and 2,551 metres of lateral
       bring judicial review proceedings in respect of  new contract, for volumes which had previously  length with 31 completion stages, respectively.
       various decisions taken by the Government in  been supplied to another party under a gas sales  The Lower Carbonate is the third Vaca Muerta
       relation to BPC’s licences in The Bahamas has  contract expiring in early January 2021, is with  landing zone drilled by Vista in Bajada del Palo
       been granted; and a timetable for further hear-  a key gas customer for four months until end  Oeste, as the previous 12 wells, in pads #1 to #3,
       ings has been established as follows.  April 2021 pursuant to which the Company will  had been landed in La Cocina and Orgánico.
         A hearing to determine if BPC should be  supply the customer with approximately 1.4 mcf   After 70 days of production, the cumulative
       formally added as a party to the action will be  per day gross (1.0 mcf per day net to Echo) of  production on a normalised basis of the MDM-
       held on January 14, 2021. At this hearing, The  natural gas. In the absence of the new contract  2025h and MDM-2027h wells was 27% and 32%
       Honourable Justice Petra Hanna-Weekes will  these volumes would have been sold to the spot  above Vista’s type curve (consisting of 2,800
       also provide further directions relating to the  market. The gas price under the contract is a flat  metres lateral length, 47 completion stages),
       future hearings detailed below. A further hear-  $2.00 per mmBtu representing a significant 28%  respectively. Peak IP-30 was 1,224 bpd of crude
       ing to determine the Government’s request for  premium to the prevailing local spot price in the  oil (1,390 boepd) for MDM-2025h and 1,537
       security for costs against the applicants will be  fourth quarter of 2020.  bpd of crude oil (1,746 boepd) for MDM-2027h.
       heard on January 22, 2021, and thereafter, a hear-  The Company continues to sell gas under a   The results of these two wells confirm the
       ing in relation to the substantive judicial review  combination for secured contracts of up to a year  potential of the Lower Carbonate landing zone
       will be held either in mid-February 2021, or dur-  in duration and spot sales and the result of the  of Vaca Muerta in Bajada del Palo Oeste as an
       ing March 2021, depending on the availability of  new contract is that approximately 60% of daily  economical shale oil play. The petrophysical
       the Court and the parties, with a ruling on the  gas production from Santa Cruz Sur, under cur-  analysis in Bajada del Palo Oeste shows that the
       substantive application to follow at some point  rent market conditions, continues be sold under  Lower Carbonate has an average total organic
       thereafter.                         secured contracts at significant premia to the  content of 5.2%, an average total porosity of
         Drilling of the Perseverance-1 exploration  current spot price during Q1-2021.  12.7% and an average water saturation of 26%,
       well in The Bahamas has been underway since   The execution of this new contract is in line  which are similar characteristics to those of the
       December 20, 2020 (consistent with previous  with the Company’s strategy to secure market  Orgánico landing zone. According to our geo-
       announcements prior to Christmas 2020). The  leading pricing for its products in anticipation  logical model, this could add up to 150 new wells
       well remains on track to take 45-60 days from  of increasing production pursuant to its future  to our existing drilling inventory of 400 wells in
       commencement to complete, at which time BPC  work programmes.            Bajada del Palo Oeste, for a total of up to 550
       will be in a position to inform shareholders of the   Echo Energy, January 06 2021  wells.
       outcome of the well.                                                       In pad #4 we also landed two wells in La
       Bahamas Petroleum Co., January 06 2021  Vista Oil and Gas reports        Cocina. During the completion of pad #4 we
                                                                                have not observed connectivity between the
       Echo Energy announces               two successful wells at              Lower Carbonate and La Cocina. This fact sug-
                                                                                gests the reservoirs of such landing zones are
       update on commercial                Bajada del Palo Oeste field          isolated, which provides greater flexibility in the
                                                                                development of Bajada del Palo Oeste.
       operations in Argentina             in Vaca Muerta formation             2026h and MDM-2028h, consisted of 2,177
                                                                                  The two wells landed in La Cocina, MDM-
       Echo Energy, the Latin American focused  Vista Oil & Gas has announced successful results  metres of lateral length with 44 stages and
       upstream oil and gas company, has provided a  in wells MDM-2025h and MDM-2027h corre-  2,554 metres of lateral length with 51 stages,
       commercial update regarding the Company’s gas  sponding to pad #4 in Bajada del Palo Oeste.  respectively.

       Week 01   07•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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