Page 8 - EurOil Week 34 2022
P. 8

EurOil                                  PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                          EurOil

                         it then contacted the SPM manufacturer and an  presidential administration]”, he added.
                         organisation that supervises the safe operation   Eurasianet also reported that, writing on Tel-
                         of equipment, the ABS classification society. It  egram, Nurlan Zhumagulov, head of the Union
                         said they “strongly recommended that the op-  of Oil Service Companies of Kazakhstan, a lobby
                         eration of the SPMs should be suspended until  group, offered an alternative explanation for the
                         the buoyancy tanks are replaced”. CPC said it  terminus troubles, namely the corrosive effects
                         was currently looking for an entity to replace  of corruption.
                         the buoyancy tanks.                    A year ago, he pointed out, small investiga-
                           No timeline for the relaunch of the SPM  tive newspaper Nasha Versiya reported that in
                         operations has been provided.        March 2021, CPC replaced its former contrac-
                           CPC loadings have not been affected as yet  tor, Rotterdam-based Smit Lamnalco, which had
                         as the CPC pipeline saw lower than expected  been servicing the marine terminal for 12 years,
                         supply amid maintenance works on two major  with local company Transneft-Service, following
                         Kazakh oil fields, Tengiz and Kashagan.  an opaque tender. Nasha Versiya reported that
                           Tengizchevroil (TCO), which represents  the new contractor, despite minimal experience,
                         Chevron and Exxon in Kazakhstan’s giant Ten-  was charging 30 times more for its services. It
                         giz project, told Reuters it was aware of tempo-  argued that it was funnelling proceeds offshore.
                         rary maintenance at CPC and that its oil exports  In August 2021, a spill at the terminal released
                         and output on its Tengiz oilfield currently stood  at least 70 tonnes of oil into the Black Sea, CPC
                         uninterrupted.                       confirmed; WWF Russia said the spill was no
                           TCO has a lower output plan for August-Sep-  less than 100 tonnes.
                         tember on its Tengiz oil field due to planned   Pointing the finger at “lawlessness at the
                         maintenance.                         CPC,” Zhumagulov concluded that “geopolitics
                           Exploring perspectives on the situation at the  and the storm” were less likely culprits for the
                         Novorossijsk terminal, Eurasianet noted com-  Novorossijska stoppages than “corruption and
                         ments from Askar Aisautov, a civil engineer in  the irresponsibility of the Russian contractor.”
                         Almaty who specialises in the construction of   The CPC’s main shareholders are Transneft
                         pipelines, posted on Facebook.       (24%), Kazakh state-run oil and gas producer
                           “In my opinion, the work of the CPC in 2022  KazMunayGas (19%), Chevron Caspian Pipe-
                         is like litmus paper,” Aisautov wrote. Based on  line Consortium Company (15%), LUKARCO
                         whether the pipeline is working, “you can judge  (12.5%), Mobil Caspian Pipeline Company
                         the magnitude of tension in relations between  (7.5%), Rosneft-Shell Caspian Ventures (7.5%)
                         the Kremlin and Akorda [the seat of the Kazakh  and Eni International (2%). ™

       Germany pens memo for LNG supplies

        GERMANY          GERMANY has signed a memorandum of  LNG. However, it has had some difficulty secur-
                         understanding (MoU) with energy compa-  ing supplies because of the global market’s tight-
       Berlin is pushing plans   nies Uniper, RWE and EnBW on securing  ness and its reluctance to enter into contracts
       for four LNG import   energy supplies for its planned LNG terminals  that are too long, through fear of undermining
       terminals.        in Wilhelmshaven and Brunsbuettel, due to be  its own energy transition policy.
                         launched this coming winter.           “We are working flat out to ensure that these
                           German Federal Minister for Economic  plans are implemented so that at the turn of the
                         Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck  year we have two regasification ships, or floating
                         announced the deal at an August 16 press event,  LNG terminals, so to speak, ready at the loca-
                         estimating that LNG supplies would begin  tions,” Habeck said in a statement. He added that
                         under the agreement before the end of the year.  Germany lacked alternative gas infrastructure,
                         By March 2024 he expects the suppliers to pro-  leaving it heavily exposed to the risk of Russia
                         vide enough gas to fill the entire capacities of the  shutting off gas supply to Europe completely.
                         floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs)   German Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently
                         stationed at Wilhelmshaven and Brunsbuettel.  advocated for the construction of a new pipeline
                           Wilhelmshaven is due to host a 10bn cubic  from Portugal to Central Europe that could give
                         metres per year regasification terminal, devel-  the latter region access to the Iberian peninsu-
                         oped by Uniper, and a second 2.2 bcm per year  la’s under-utilised regasification capacity. But
                         by Tree Energy, while Gasunie wants to start  he offered few details about the project’s scope.
                         up an 8 bcm per year facility in Brunsbuettel. A  Germany is also reconsidering plans to retire its
                         fourth, 12 bcm per year terminal is planned by  last remaining nuclear power plants (NPPs) at
                         Hanseatic Energy Hub for the port of Stade.  the end of this year, has restored some coal-fired
                           Since putting Nord Stream 2 on hold and  power generation and is asking citizens and busi-
                         declaring its intention to eliminate Russian gas  nesses to curb their energy costs ahead of this
                         imports by mid-2024, Germany has embraced  winter. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   26•August•2022
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