Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Cubans arriving for the holiday season. This
                                           has not materially impacted preparations for
       Melbana Energy provides             the commencement of drilling operations. Field
                                           operations are maintaining a high level of dis-
       summary of activities at            cipline in following procedures to minimise the
                                           occurrence or spread of any infection
       Cuban Block 9 in Q4-2020            Melbana Energy, February 01 2021

       During the quarter ending December 31,   Petrobras discovers
       2020, Melbana reached the following mile-
       stones in relation to its Cuban Block 9 drilling   hydrocarbons at Campos
       programme:                                                               director of SEA. “The character of our commu-
         Civil works for well pad constructions, roads   Basin pre-salt block   nity is based on a lifestyle and well-being that is
       and other related facilities in preparation for the                      closely tied to nature and the environment. We
       commencement of drilling of the Alameda-1  Petrobras has discovered hydrocarbons in a well  want clean air, clean water, a healthy ecosystem,
       well are now more than half completed and pro-  in Block C-M-411, located in the Campos Basin  and the ability to create a strong resilient future
       jected to be completed off the critical path. The  pre-salt, in the State of Rio de Janeiro.  based in sustainability. Limetree’s operation and
       contractors performing these works under Mel-  Well 1-BRSA-1377-RJS, informally called  the permit, as it is currently written, compromise
       bana’s supervision have been instructed to spend  Urissane, is located approximately 200 km from  the St. Croix community’s ability to achieve that
       some time improving the roads of the local com-  the coast, in a water depth of 2,950 metres. The  quality of life.”
       munity, in fulfilment of undertakings that were  well encountered oil in reservoirs in the pre-salt   Last year’s reopening was complicated by
       made as part of the land access agreements.  section. The well data will be analyzed to better  delays, corroded equipment, a fire, unscheduled
         The Company elected to enhance the near  target exploratory activities in the area and assess  flares, an airborne chemical release and more oil
       finalised drilling contract to accommodate pos-  the potential of the discovery.  spills. Oil giant BP announced in January that
       sible changes to the operational environment   The CM-411 block was acquired in Sep-  it will delay oil deliveries to the refinery until
       that may result from the COVID-19 pandemic.  tember 2017, in the 14th Bidding Round of the  its problems are corrected and the plant fully
       The work plan is now more robust in the face of  National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and  restarts. The plant restart was rushed to meet
       possible travel or border restrictions that may  Biofuels (ANP), together with Blocks CM-210,  anticipated demand for cleaner, low-sulfur mar-
       occur during the drilling programme.  CM-277, CM -344, CM-346 and CM-413.  itime fuel that was required starting last year.
         Award of the contracts for the long lead items  Petrobras is the operator of the block and holds   Center for Biological Diversity, February 03 2021
       (tubulars, well pads, liners etc.) were withheld  a 50% interest, in partnership with ExxonMobil
       to align with the completion of this upgraded  (50%).                    President Energy
       contract and work plan. Tenders from the main   Petrobras, February 01 2021
       preferred suppliers have been refreshed and are                          announces operational
       in good standing for execution at the Company’s
       election.                           DOWNSTREAM                           update on treatment plant
         The work programme and budget for the
       two well drilling programme has received all   Legal action contests     AIM-listed President Energy has provided an
       partner and regulatory approvals. Timing and                             update on the treatment plant development in
       amount of proposed cash calls in support of the   reopening of controversial   Puesto Flores and its beneficial impact on opex.
       projected expenditure profile for the drilling of                          Highlights: Treatment plant development
       these two wells has similarly received all neces-  refinery in US Virgin Islands  commenced with first stage set to open by end
       sary approvals.                                                          June. Material savings in opex expected from
         Land access agreement for the second well,  Community and conservation groups filed a  start H2-2021.
       Zapato-1, has been received. Civil works will  legal appeal today challenging the federal per-  Treatment plant development: The devel-
       commence there immediately following the  mit for the controversial Limetree Bay refinery  opment of the treatment plant in Puesto Flores
       completion of works at Alameda-1.   on the Caribbean island of St. Croix that started  referred to in the Company’s announcement of
         Senior members of Melbana’s project man-  operating this week. The long-shuttered, pollu-  December 22, 2020, has commenced and to date
       agement team are expected to start arriving in  tion-plagued Limetree refinery has been one of  is on time and on budget.
       Cuba before the end of Q1-2021to supplement  the world’s biggest oil-processing facilities.  The first stage of the development, which
       the Company’s local staff and contractors who   St. Croix Environmental Association (SEA),  President has now fast-tracked, is projected to be
       have been managing operations to date. Cuban  the Center for Biological Diversity, NRDC and  completed by the end of June whereupon oil will
       work visas have been received for relevant  Sierra Club filed the petition for review of Lime-  be capable of being delivered by truck to refiner-
       personnel.                          tree Bay’s permit with the US Environmental  ies direct from the core Puesto Flores/Estancia
         All airports in Cuba opened but with the  Protection Agency’s Environmental Appeals  Vieja fields without going through third-party
       caveat that all incoming travellers must pres-  Board. The filing faults the agency for setting  pipelines, treatment and water disposal facilities.
       ent a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken less  lenient air-pollution standards and failing to   On completion of the first stage, savings and
       than 72hrs before arrival. There has been an  protect a vulnerable community of colour,  value-added benefits are estimated for oil so
       increase in the number of people testing posi-  among other concerns.    delivered to be approximately $4 per barrel rep-
       tive for COVID-19 in Cuba in recent months,   “The future of St. Croix should not be as a pol-  resenting a reduction of some 20% of opex and
       possibly in part due to the increased arrivals in  lution haven for a dying industry that has caused  sales cost per barrel. Whilst Trafigura remains
       the country due to the tourists and expatriate  a climate crisis,” said Jennifer Valiulis, executive  President’s largest off-taker, the completion of

       Week 05   04•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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