Page 7 - MEOG Week 20 2022
P. 7

MEOG                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       KRG plays down accusations

       of oilfield seizure

       IRAQ/KURDISTAN    THE Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)  solve problems, there must be a legislation of the
                         this week denied claims that its forces had taken  oil and gas law based on the constitution.”
                         control of fields operated by Iraq’s North Oil Co.   The Avanna Dome and Bai Hassan assets had
                         (NOC).                               been under Kurdish control for several years
                           The denial followed accusations by NOC  until Iraqi forces retook the fields following an
                         that Kurdish troops had arrived with a techni-  independence referendum held by the KRG.
                         cal team from the Kurdistan Region and taken  Exports under state oil marketer Somo and
                         over wells at the Bai Hassan and Dawd Gurg oil-  exports via the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline ran at
                         fields north-west of Kirkuk, accusing the KRG of  46,740 bpd in March, a marked drop from the
                         “unconstitutional” behaviour. Production from  82,118 bpd exported in January owing to the
                         Bai Hassan was reported to be running at around  outbreak of a fire on the pipeline late that month.
                         70,000 barrels per day, but estimates suggest it   Independent oil sales have been a major issue
                         could be closer to 85,000 bpd.       for relations between Baghdad and Erbil and
                           A spokesperson for the Kurdish authorities  have proved thorny enough an issue to prevent
                         said: “The Kurdistan Regional Government  billions of dollars in budget share being trans-
                         denies all allegations that the KRG, with the sup-  ferred to the latter.
                         port of the armed forces, has taken over Bai Has-  Erbil produced 474,000 bpd in April, and
                         san and Dawd Gurg oilfields in Kirkuk, which  exports around 340,000 bpd of crude inde-
                         are operated by the North Oil Co.”   pendently from Baghdad using a pipeline which
                           The statement added: “Public wealth is owned  links to the Turkish section of Kirkuk-Ceyhan
                         by all Iraqis according to the Iraqi constitution  via metering stations at the border town of
                         and not one company … If [NOC] was keen to  Fishkhabour.™

       Week 20   18•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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