Page 17 - MEOG Week 44
P. 17

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

                                           Delek provides Ithaca                amount.
       COMPANIES                                                                be used for partial repayment of the loan
       Lukoil chief discusses oil          update and dividend news             DELEK

       cooperation with Iraqi PM           Delek Group said that on November 3, 2020   OIL
                                           Ithaca Energy Ltd announced a dividend
       Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi   distribution of $100mn to the subsidiary
       has met with Lukoil CEO Vagit Alekperov   of the Company that holds the entire share   Iraq’s Somo to market third
       in Baghdad to discuss the current state   capital of Ithaca. This distribution is added
       and prospects of cooperation projects, the   to another distribution made in May 2020 of   Basrah crude grade
       Russian oil company said in a press release on   $20mn.
       Monday.                               In accordance with what was stated in   Iraqi state-owned marketer Somo has
         “Prime Minister of the Republic of   section 1.8.18(b) of the Company’s Periodic   informed customers that it plans to make
       Iraq Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and Iraqi Oil   Report as of December 31, 2019 concerning   a third Basrah crude stream available from
       Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismail received   the Reserves Based Lending facility (“RBL”)   January, according to a document seen by
       a delegation of PJSC LUKOIL headed by   provided to Ithaca, Ithaca has informed the   Argus.
       its President Vagit Alekperov today in   Company that it has completed the periodic   As of next year, the company intends to
       Baghdad. The meeting was also attended   redetermination process (carried out twice   offer a Basrah Light grade with a gravity of
       by the Ambassador Extraordinary and   a year) of the utilizable RBL facility with   33°API, a Basrah Medium crude with 29°API
       Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to   a consortium of international banks that   and a Basrah Heavy grade with 24°API.
       the Republic of Iraq Maxim Maximov. The   provide it. As of the date of this report the   Somo first floated the idea of a third
       parties discussed the progress of the West   balance of the facility drawn down is lower   Basrah crude offering back in 2017. It marks
       Qurna-2 project and Eridu field (Block-10),   than $700mn (as compared with the drawn   the second time that Iraq has split its Basrah
       as well as prospects for cooperation in other   down balance of $1,055mn as of December   stream. Rising production from heavier oil
       areas in Iraq,” the company said.   31, 2019 and the total available facility of   fields and the country’s limited capacity to
         According to the press release, Al-  $1.1 billion). In the redetermination process   blend crude to a set gravity and sulphur
       Kadhimi suggested that the cooperation and   the said dividend in the amount of $100mn   content prompted Somo to separate Basrah
       coordination between the Iraqi Oil Ministry   was included, and after the distribution, the   supplies into the existing Light and Heavy
       and Lukoil be expanded.             headroom as of today’s date amounts to over   grades in mid-2015.
         The West Qurna-2 oilfield in southern   $275mn. As part of the redetermination   The two grades have since been marketed
       Iraq is one of the largest in the world with   process it was determined that additional   with on-paper gravities of 34°API and 26°API,
       estimated recoverable reserves of 12.9 billion   distribution in 2021 will be subject to an   respectively. But Basrah exports have never
       barrels. Lukoil owns 75% of the West Qurna-2   average price of at least $50 per Brent Barrel   achieved their intended quality specifications,
       oil field development project, with the   over a period of 6 months.     nor has Somo’s Kirkuk blend which is
       remaining share of 25% owned by the Iraqi   In accordance with the provisions of a loan   marketed at 36°API. This has forced the firm
       North Oil Company.                  agreement with a foreign bank that provided a   to offer quality compensation to buyers,
         The Eridu field was discovered by Lukoil   loan to finance the acquisition of the Chevron   depending on the gravity of the volumes they
       in 2016, which became the biggest oil field   assets to the subsidiary that holds the entire   received at loading.
       discovery for Iraq over the past two decades.  share capital of Ithaca, the balance of which   Argus tracking data estimate that
       SPUTNIK                             as of this date is $137mn, this dividend will   shipments of Basrah Light averaged 2.18mn
                                                                                bpd over January-September this year,
                                                                                accounting for 73% of total Basrah exports.
                                                                                Basrah Heavy volumes averaged just under
                                                                                800,000 bpd during the same period.
                                                                                  Somo said its latest marketing move is an
                                                                                “intended segregation” of Basrah Light into
                                                                                two grades. It has asked clients to submit their
                                                                                annual requirements for the new Basrah Light
                                                                                and Basrah Medium grades by 13 November.
                                                                                The Iraqi company said it will provide the
                                                                                full specifications of the revamped grades
                                                                                “shortly”. Somo had initially asked buyers
                                                                                to nominate their 2021 requirements by 15
                                                                                October, but only listed Basrah Light, Basrah
                                                                                Heavy and Kirkuk as options at the time.
                                                                                  It is not immediately clear whether and
                                                                                how Somo will continue to offer its crude
                                                                                quality reimbursements — one of two
                                                                                subsidies the company offers. Somo also offers
                                                                                freight compensation, intended to increase
                                                                                Basrah’s appeal to European and US buyers.
                                                                                  At 29°API, the new Basrah Medium will

       Week 44   04•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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