Page 22 - GLNG Week 12 2023
P. 22

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       Semi-submersible rig starts         in Brunsbüttel successfully kicked off on 22   has entered into an amended and restated
                                                                                senior secured credit agreement, including
       drilling work off Nigeria           filled the last section of the gas pipeline that   a $250 million term loan for the purchase
                                              As part of the preparation works, Gasunie
                                                                                of a floating storage and regasification unit
       Following a letter of award (LoA) for the   will be used to connect to the FSRU on 20   (FSRU).
       Blackford Dolphin semi-sub rig from   March. Prior to this, technical infrastructure   In addition to the new $250 million term
       September 2022, the offshore drilling   on land was completed on 17 March.  loan maturing on 17 March 2027, the credit
       contractor confirmed the formal 12-month   At this terminal liquefied petroleum   agreement includes extending the maturity
       contract award with General Hydrocarbons   gas (LPG) can also be unloaded via FSRU   date of the existing $350 million revolving
       Limited (GHL) in October 2022 for   according to the ship-to-ship principle. The   credit facility to 17 March 2027, among other
       operations in Nigeria. At the time, the   first such operation was conducted from 18 to   things.
       company explained that the total contract   20 March in Brunsbüttel.       The company revealed that the proceeds
       value was approximately $96 million.   In the first phase, the 170,000 cbm Hoegh   from the term loan facility are intended
         When late January 2023 came,      Gannet will be operated at Brunsbüttel Ports’   to be used for the acquisition of the FSRU
       the Blackford Dolphin rig completed   existing dangerous goods jetty.    Sequoia, which is currently under a bareboat
       recertification for a new five-year period   The second phase, which is expected   charter with Maran Gas until mid-2025, and
       in Las Palmas, Spain, where it underwent a   to start at the end of 2023, will involve the   transaction fees and expenses related thereto.
       special periodic survey (SPS) at the shipyard,   injection of LNG via a newly built jetty to the   Excelerate intends to acquire the vessel by
       allowing for continuous work until 2028. The   west of the Elbehafen. Brunsbüttel Ports will   exercising a purchase option that it has with
       rig departed Las Palmas in February 2023 and   be responsible for the construction, which will   the vessel’s owner and for the purchase to be
       set off for Nigeria.                start in the first quarter of 2023.  completed in April 2023. The commitments
         In an update on 21 March 2023, Dolphin                                 under the term loan facility expire on 1 May
       Drilling revealed that the Blackford Dolphin                             1 2023 if the acquisition of the FSRU Sequoia
       had begun its 12-month drilling contract with   FSRU Golar Tundra comes to   does not occur by such date.
       General Hydrocarbons Limited in Nigeria, in                                The 2020-built Excelerate Sequoia has a
       line with previously stated expectations.  Piombino as Snam preps to     storage capacity of 173,400 cubic metres and
         As a reminder, Dolphin Drilling got a letter                           is capable of operating both as an FSRU and a
       of award in January 2023 for additional work   launch new LNG terminal   fully tradable LNG carrier.
       in Nigeria in direct continuation with the                                 Proceeds from the revolving credit facility
       previously announced contract with GHL,   According to Snam’s social media update, the   are expected to be used primarily for letters
       entailing the potential to extend the backlog   docking operations were safely completed on   of credit, working capital, and other general
       by a minimum of 120 days and up to 485 days,  Sunday, 19 March as the company expects to put   corporate purposes, the company explained.
       in addition to the existing GHL backlog.  the FSRU into operation at the beginning of May.  “Refinancing our existing credit facility
         The company inked a new contract for the   The FSRU, Golar Tundra, which was   is a significant next step in our plans to
       semi-submersible rig with Peak Petroleum   purchased last year by Snam’s unit FSRU Italia,   improve our capital structure, and we would
       Industries Nigeria Limited (Peak Petroleum)   has a regasification capacity of 5 billion cubic   like to thank our lenders for their continued
       in March 2023 for operations off Nigeria   metres per year.              support and confidence in Excelerate”, said
       with an effective day rate associated with the   Snam’s unit announced on Tuesday, 21 March,   Dana Armstrong, Chief Financial Officer of
       minimum firm contract period of $325,000,   that over 86% of the offered regasification capacity  Excelerate Energy.
       including the mobilisation fee.     has been allocated at the end of the first allocation   “This amended credit facility enhances our
                                           procedure.                           financial flexibility and supports our future
                                              The company noted that 37 slots per year out   growth and development initiatives. We are
       Germany’s third floating            of a total of 43 slots per year offered have been   excited to acquire the FSRU Sequoia, one of
                                           allocated for the 20-year period between the years
                                                                                the most capable vessels in the industry, at
       LNG terminal prepares for           2023/24 – 2043/44.                   an attractive price well below current market
                                              Each slot to a capacity of 171,920 liquid cubic
       regular operation                   metres of LNG, which is equal to approximately   the US company currently operates a fleet of
                                                                                  Based on the information on its website,
                                           105 million cubic metres of gas.
       The Elbehafen LNG terminal will be     Snam said that the remaining six slots per year   ten FSRUs and has one unit on order at South
       Germany’s third FSRU-based terminal   will be made available in a forthcoming allocation   Korean shipyard Hyundai Heavy Industries
       following those in Wilhelmshaven and   procedure for a multi-year period. The terms and   (HHI).
       Lubmin.                             conditions are to be announced by 24 March.  The new FSRU will have a storage capacity
         The FSRU Höegh Gannet arrived at                                       of 170,000 cubic metres and a maximum
       Brunsbüttel’s Elbehafen port at the beginning                            regasification capacity of one billion standard
       of the year. In February, the LNG terminal’s   Excelerate Energy adds    cubic feet per day (1,000 MMscf/d). It is
       developer RWE received the first cargo                                   scheduled for delivery in 2026.
       of 137,000 cubic metres of LNG shipped   $250mn term loan to buy           Two of its FSRUs were chartered to serve
       by ADNOC under the multi-year supply                                     LNG import terminals in Germany and
       agreement signed in 2022.           FSRU Sequoia                         Finland. ™
         Now, RWE has provided an update on
       the project stating that LNG regasification   US-based LNG player Excelerate Energy

       P22                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   24•March•2023
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