Page 8 - DMEA Week 40 2022
P. 8

DMEA                                      SECURITY & POLICY                                            DMEA

       UN says almost 1mn civilians have

       fled violence in northern Mozambique

            AFRICA       THE UN estimates that the number of displaced   healthcare has been hampered. Many people
                         civilians in northern Mozambique, where an   have been re-traumatised after being forced to
                         Islamist insurgency is reaching its fifth year,   move multiple times to save their lives.”
                         increased by 20% in the first half of 2022.  In a bid to secure the area, Mozambique
                           In a statement dated October 4, UN Refugee   sought military support from the Southern
                         Agency (UNHCR) spokesperson Matthew Salt-  African Development Community (SADC) and
                         marsh called for an end to the violence that has   Rwanda. However, after initial success soon after
                         killed more than 4,000 peoples.      the regional force was deployed in July 2021,
                           “Five years on, the humanitarian situation   the rebels seem to have been fighting back and
                         across Cabo Delgado has continued to deteri-  spreading their attacks beyond Cabo Delgado to
                         orate and displacement figures have increased   Nampula and Niassa provinces to the west and
                         by 20% to 946,508 in the first half of this year,”   south.
                         he said. “The conflict has now spilled into the   The displaced need shelter, food and health
                         neighbouring province of Nampula, which   services, Saltmarsh said,  noting that the
                         witnessed four attacks by armed groups in Sep-  agency, government and other stakeholders are
                         tember affecting at least 47,000 people and dis-  assisting.
                         placing 12,000.”                       However, there was a funding gap in Sep-
                           The rebels in the mineral and natural gas-  tember 2022, when 60% of the $36.7mn the
                         rich area have said they want greater autonomy   UNHCR needed to deliver assistance to civil-
                         from the Maputo government and more benefits   ians was funded. Some people have returned to
                         from the local resources.            their homes in recent months, but the UN body
                           Three oil majors — TotalEnergies (France),   considers security conditions to be too volatile
                         Eni (Italy) and ExxonMobil (US) — discovered   for sustainable returns. ™
                         the bulk of the southeastern African country’s
                         estimated 180 trillion cubic feet (5.1 trillion
                         cubic metres) of recoverable natural gas in off-
                         shore fields.
                           Eni is expected to begin exporting gas in the
                         form of LNG shortly, but TotalEnergies and
                         ExxonMobil have had to redraw their develop-
                         ment plans and not taken final investment deci-
                         sion (FID) respectively due to the insurgency.
                           Saltmarsh blamed rebels for the killings,
                         beheadings and rape and resulting displacement
                         of civilians. “Men and boys have also been for-
                         cibly enrolled in armed groups,” he said. “Live-
                         lihoods have been lost, and education stalled
                         while access to necessities such as food and   TotalEnergies put its project on hold in March 2021 (Image: TotalEnergies)

       Sonatrach, Naturgy revise price for gas

       shipments to Spain via Medgaz pipeline

            AFRICA       ALGERIA’S national oil company (NOC) group   natural gas deliveries through the subsea Med-
                         Sonatrach said in a statement on October 6 that it   gaz pipeline due to market developments.
                         had struck a deal with the Spanish firm Naturgy   The NOC did not elaborate the mechanism
                         to revise the price of long-term contracts for   of the change in gas prices.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   06•October•2022
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