Page 10 - EurOil Week 48 2022
P. 10
EurOil POLICY EurOil
Ukraine wants to increase energy
co-operation with Poland
UKRAINE UKRAINE wants to develop cross-border the European market,” the company added.
energy infrastructure with Poland to further Moreover, the Ukrainian government also
Ukraine and Poland are increase its energy independence from Russia, wants to additionally reduce dependence on
looking to strengthen Ukraine Business News reported on November Russian fossil fuels and develop co-operation
cross-border power 30. in the oil and gas sector. “It is essential for us to
infrastructure. Deputy Minister of Energy Yaroslav Dem- develop cross-border co-operation in the oil and
chenkov said that Ukraine wants to develop gas sector, in particular, the construction of the
electricity trade with Poland and repair energy Brody-Adamovo oil pipeline and the establish-
infrastructure. The number one priority is con- ment of co-operation in oil refining,” said Dep-
structing the Khmelnytskyi-Rzeszów power uty Minister Mykola Kolisnyk.
transmission line, which will expand com- With rolling blackouts still affecting the war-
mercial electricity exchange between the two torn country following intense Russian attacks
countries. on its energy infrastructure, Ukraine is seriously
Construction on the Khmelnytskyi-Rzeszów concerned about the winter months. Ukraine
project began in August to boost energy trade began testing electricity imports from the EU
and make Ukraine better connected with the in October, having connected to the European
EU’s network. The link should go online in early grid after Russia’s full-scale invasion. The gov-
2023. ernment wants to increase volumes from the
“The commissioning of the restored inter- current maximum of 500 MW to 1,000-1,500
connector at the beginning of next year can MW to cover its needs.
increase the physical possibilities for exporting The energy instability has also hit businesses,
Ukrainian electricity to Poland by almost 1,000 resulting in an economic decline. Taking into
MW,” Ukraine’s power grid operator Ukrenergo consideration Russia’s intensive bombing, and
said during the summer. the likelihood of more attacks and protracted
“Increasing the export of Ukrainian electric- blackouts over winter, Dragon Capital, the
ity is a step towards the creation of a pan-Eu- Ukrainian investment management company,
ropean system of energy security. Ukrainian revised its forecast by 2% and sees Ukraine’s
electricity is a good alternative to Russian gas on GDP declining by 32% year on year in 2022.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 48 02•December•2022