Page 12 - MEOG Week 45 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                                Iran later celebrated its capture of the vessel  COMPANIES
                                           in dramatic footage aired on state television,
       Vietnamese tanker seized            the day before the 42nd anniversary of the   ADNOC Drilling announces
                                           1979 seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran.
       by Iran now free in open            United Against a Nuclear Iran, a New York-  strong Q3 results
                                             The Sothys had been on the radar of
       waters                              based advocacy group long suspicious of   ADNOC Drilling announced its financial
                                           the Islamic Republic. In a letter dated Oct.
                                                                                results for the third quarter and first nine
       A Vietnamese oil tanker earlier seized by Iran   11 addressed to the Vietnam Maritime   months of 2021.
       was free in open water Wednesday, ending   Administration, the group said its analysis of   In the first quarterly disclosure since its
       the latest maritime confrontation involving   satellite photos showed the Sothys received a   record listing on the Abu Dhabi Securities
       Tehran amid stalled negotiations over its   ship-to-ship transfer of oil in June from an oil   Exchange (ADX) in early October 2021,
       tattered nuclear deal with world powers.  tanker called the Oman Pride.  ADNOC Drilling delivered strong and
         The Sothys left a position off Iran’s Bandar   The US Treasury identified the Oman   resilient top line growth, with revenue for the
       Abbas port and had reached international   Pride in August as being used to transport   first nine months of 2021 increasing 12% to
       waters in the nearby Gulf of Oman early   Iranian oil as part of a smuggling scheme to   $1.7 billion compared to the same period last
       Wednesday, data analyzed by The Associated   enrich the Guard’s expeditionary Quds Force.   year.
       Press from showed. The   That Iranian oil ends up being sold into East   The Company reported EBITDA of
       vessel appeared anchored there, but there was   Asia, the Treasury alleged, without identifying   $785 million, surpassed targets, with a very
       no information about its crew.      a specific country.                  healthy margin of 46%, and net profit of
         Shahrokh Nazemi, a spokesperson for   Iran’s seizure of the Sothys would be the   $460 million for the period, up 9% year-on-
       Iran’s mission to the United Nations, told the   latest in a string of hijackings and explosions   year. For the third quarter, ADNOC Drilling
       AP on Wednesday that “Sothys left Iranian   to roil the Gulf of Oman, which sits near   reported revenues of $571 million, up 11%
       waters last night after transferring the oil.”  the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of   year-on-year, and EBITDA of $285 million,
         Later Wednesday, Iran’s state-run IRNA   the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all   representing a 50% margin in the quarter.
       news agency confirmed the report and said   traded oil passes.             ADNOC Drilling reported strong and
       the country’s powerful Revolutionary Guard   The US Navy blamed Iran for a series of   resilient revenue growth across its drilling
       had released the Vietnamese tanker after   limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged   operations, driven in particular by the
       draining the Iranian oil from it, under a court   tankers in 2019, as well as for a fatal drone   Onshore segment and Oilfield Services.
       order. The report did not elaborate on the   attack on an Israeli-linked oil tanker that   Onshore: Revenue for the nine-month
       time.                               killed two European crew members earlier   period was $847 million, up 10% compared
         Vietnamese officials could not be   this year. Just a few months ago, Iranian   to the same period last year, largely driven by
       reached for comment, though its officials   hijackers stormed and briefly captured a   new rigs and the reactivation of rigs in 2021.
       earlier acknowledged trying to obtain more   Panama-flagged asphalt tanker off the United   Third quarter 2021 revenue was $279 million,
       information about the seizure from Iran.  Arab Emirates.                 up 9% year-on-year.
         The US Navy’s Mideast-based 5th Fleet   Tehran denies carrying out the attacks,   Offshore - Jackup: Revenue increased
       declined to comment.                but a wider shadow war between Iran and the   during the nine-month period to $450 million
         Iran’s powerful paramilitary Revolutionary   West has played out in the region’s volatile   (Nine-Month 2020: $443 million), supported
       Guard troops on Oct. 24 took control of the   waters since then-President Donald Trump   by an increase in operating activity of its jack-
       MV Sothys, a vessel that analysts suspect of   withdrew the US from Iran’s nuclear deal in   up rigs. Third quarter 2021 revenue was $157
       trying to transfer sanctioned Iranian crude oil   2018 and imposed crushing sanctions on the   million, down 2% year-on-year.
       to Asia. US forces had monitored the seizure   country.                    Offshore - Island: Revenue was up 11% to
       but ultimately didn’t take action as the vessel   AP                     $166 million for the first nine months of 2021
       sailed into Iranian waters.                                              compared to the same period last year. Third

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