Page 14 - MEOG Week 03 2023
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Monday in support of the merger plan and   restore output capacity to pre-sanctions   approval to this project whose operation is
       accompanying $620 million special dividend,   levels. Therefore, two effective measures   starting soon.
       said the company was unable to comment   were urgently taken in Kharg and Lavan,   Phase 1 includes designing, manufacturing
       because it had not seen the LGIM document.  where output had dropped. Plans were   and installation of a wellhead platform and
         NewMed said on Monday that its merger   also envisaged to increase output from the   drilling of four wells. The crude oil produced
       offer was final.                    Esfandiar and Forouzan fields.       in this field, located 95 km southwest of Kharg
         LGIM own 3.98% of Capricorn, Refinitiv   Ali-Reza Mehdizadeh, CEO of IOOC,   Island, will be transferred to Kharg Island
       Eikon data shows.                   has said: “Due to the corrosion and frequent   after being processed at Abuzar Platform.
         Other shareholders publicly opposed to   leaks of crude oil transmission pipeline from   Furthermore, IOOC eyes drilling an
       the NewMed deal include Madison Avenue,   Abuzar Platform to Kharg Island during the   appraisal well to obtain a better knowledge of
       which owns an 8% stake, as well as Kite Lake   last two years, the capacity of oil transmission   the structure of the reservoir and designing
       (7.4%), Palliser (6.9%) and Newtyn (6%).  via that line had reached the minimum   the following phases.
         The votes will be decided by a simple   level, and in the previous period, no serious   A review of Iran’s oil output plans in the
       majority of shares represented at the meeting.  and effective measures were taken to solve   Persian Gulf indicates the emphasis laid on
       REUTERS                             the problem of the pipeline and replace it.   increased production from joint fields. To that
                                           Therefore, the NIOC Board of Directors   end, enhanced recovery from the Forouzan
                                           authorized credit allocation for the new   field was envisioned. Development of
       OIL                                 pipeline.”                           Forouzan is one of the main four enhanced oil
                                              The pipeline then became operational to   recovery (EOR) projects considered by IOOC.
       Iran plans lifting offshore         carry crude oil and the previous decrepit line   development manager of Forouzan, given
                                                                                  According to Shahram Motevassel,
                                           was put out of service. That came after pigging
       oil output                          and necessary tests. According to the CEO   the priority of development of joint fields,
                                           of IOOC, the operation of the alternative
                                                                                accelerating output from Forouzan was put
       Iran’s comprehensive plan to increase oil   pipeline last March helped doubled IOOC’s   on the agenda. Flow from the well began after
       output is followed up on in line with the   output in the Kharg area.    88 days of incessant work. Oil was struck after
       objectives already envisaged for economic   Mehdizadeh said another key measure with  2,738 meters of drilling. With the completion
       prosperity. Therefore, Petroleum Ministry   regard to enhanced oil recovery pertained to   of this well, the drilling rig was moved to
       has instructed National Iranian Oil Company   Reshadat Platform in Lavan.  another well and drilling would continue in
       (NIOC) with a plan to use its oil fields to   “Over recent years, due to untimely   other wells.
       increase oil output. Using offshore and   overhaul, power supply to downhole pumps   In parallel with designing, engineering,
       onshore oil fields is among plans to that end   in some wells experienced problems, which   commodity and equipment purchase, as
       with joint fields being prioritized. Here we   halved production rate there,” he said, adding   well as provision of necessary services, two
       review the Iranian Offshore Oil Company   that the production was doubled after the   offshore drilling rigs have been installed in
       (IOOC)’s oil output hike. IOOC is tasked with   power supply problem was resolved.  this joint field. The drilling of the second well
       operating oil and gas fields off the Persian   He said that the measures undertaken in   in the Forouzan field is now over.
       Gulf.                               the Kharg and Lavan areas in the second half   Based on the initial capacity of the well,
         IOOC runs oil and gas fields located   of last calendar year largely contributed to   1,000 b/d of oil can be extracted from this
       in 1,800 square kilometers of Persian Gulf   IOOC’s enhanced recovery.   well, while in the past days, the flow of the
       waters. IOOC-administered fields hold 96   Another measure undertaken for increased   well has been started and the cleaning of the
       billion barrels of oil in place, 16 billion barrels   oil production from Iran’s offshore fields   well has also been done.
       of which is recoverable. Official data put at 8.5   and restoration of output to pre-sanctions   After drilling the first well in Forouzan oil
       billion barrels the accumulated oil recovery   levels is the implementation of the first phase   field in May this year, this is the second well
       from these fields.                  development of the Esfandiar field, where   that has reached production in this field. It
         In line with the 13th administration’s   operations are expected to last 36 months.   is planned to drill 26 wells in Forouzan by
       plans to increase oil production and exports,   Iran shares Esfandiar with Saudi Arabia.   March 2024.
       IOOC made necessary arrangements to   The NIOC Board of Directors has given its   IRAN PETROLEUM

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