Page 14 - FSU OGM Week 26 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       news as negative for the name.                                           Lukoil, expecting earnings estimates for
         and the market started to shape the                                    the company to continue to rise as analysts
       prices.                                                                  update their gas price assumptions,” the
                                           EASTERN EUROPE                       bank commented.
                                                                                  Adding to the price impetus is that LNG
       Transneft says prevents oil  European gas prices to                      shipments to Europe in June so far are
                                                                                reportedly down 16% vs May levels.
       contamination of Volga by  be boosted further by                         Gazprom’s bottom line and the gas giant
                                                                                  The rise in gas prices has been good for
       Rosneft                             Gazprom’s summer pipeline            is targeting a 50% upswing in EBITDA in
                                                                                2021 on the back of soaring demand for gas
       Russian oil pipeline monopoly Transneft has   maintenance                in Europe.
       prevented a flow of oil contaminated with
       chlorides into the pipeline system of the   Soaring European gas prices will get an
       Volga Federal District, the company said in   extra boost in the coming months as   Ukraine’s court suspends
       a statement on June 28.             Russia’s gas giant closes some pipeline
         “Oil with an excessive of content of   capacity down for its annual summer   NACP order to dismiss
       chlor-organic compounds was localized in   maintenance, BCS GM reports.
       the reservoir parks of Transneft-Privolga.   Maintenance shutdowns are expected   Vitrenko from Naftogaz
       There was no threat of contamination of the   for key pipelines in June-July, which will
       (pipeline) system, we started preparation for  restrict gas flows to Europe even as prices   Kyiv District Administrative Court
       technological procedures for normalization   rise and LNG imports fall.    suspended on June 18 an order of the
       of oil. All customers receive oil of regulated   Prices were already elevated due to a   National Agency on Corruption Prevention
       quality,” the statement read.       heat wave sweeping Europe that has further   (NACP) demanding that the Cabinet of
         On June 23, the company stopped   tightened Europe’s gas market. Price have   Ministers dismiss Yuriy Vitrenko from the
       pumping in the trunk pipelines Samara–  risen to $360 per 1,000 cubic metres and   position of CEO of Naftogaz (NAFTO).
       Lopatino and Kuibyshev–Unecha-2 as it   storage has contracted to record lows,   The suspension will be valid until the court
       discovered a high content of chlor-organic   Interfax reported on June 21.    hears the appeal by the Cabinet of the
       compounds. On June 24, it discovered   Now prices are likely to get an extra   NACP order. According to a press release
       excess of the compounds in the oil samples   bump as Gazprom has already shut down   from NACP on the same day, the court’s
       from the reservoirs of the Mukhanovo   TurkStream for repairs and Nord Stream   ruling “proves once again the urgent need
       pumping station.                    1 will be closed down in July. TurkStream   to complete the judiciary reform.” The
         The only company that pumps oil to   will be shut for the period of 22-29 June,   NACP highlighted that the court’s ruling
       the Mukhanovo station is Samaraneftegaz,   while Nord Stream 1 is scheduled to halt   to suspend its decision has been adopted
       a subsidiary of oil major Rosneft. An   shipments from 13-25 July.       unprecedentedly fast, or “in less than two
       independent laboratory ran tests of the   Gazprom has filled Germany’s Caterina   days,” while the courts have over 3,000
       oil samples, and coordinated them with   storage facility to 94% to help cover the   corruption cases which remain untouched.
       Transneft-Privolga and Samaraneftegaz.   pipeline shutdown. However, this implies   It also stated that the court effectively
       The tests also confirmed contamination,   that European storage – which on average is   satisfied the Cabinet’s demand without
       this is why Transneft suspended the intake   only c40% full, a historical low for the time   hearing the case, which is a violation.
       of oil from Samaraneftegaz on June 25. The   of year – will fall further behind normal   Commenting on the NACP ruling
       contaminated oil stands at 350,000 tonnes,   seasonal levels when that happens, says BCS   on June 18, PM Denys Shmyhal called it
       the company said.                   GM.                                  illegal and not logical. Namely, he said
                                              “We reiterate Gazprom as one of our two   that the NACP demanded that the PM
                                           Top Picks in Russian oil & gas alongside   cancel certain items of a Cabinet resolution

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