Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 19 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Venture Global announces offtake

       agreements with ExxonMobil, Petronas

        US-ASIA          US-BASED Venture Global LNG announced  facility began last year and it is expected to
                         this week that it had struck separate sale and  be operational in 2024. An FID has not been
                         purchase agreements (SPAs) with ExxonMobil  announced yet, but Venture Global had said in
                         LNG Asia Pacific and Malaysia’s Petronas.  March that it was coming “soon”. A Wood Mac-
                           Under the terms of two long-term deals with  kenzie analyst, Ben Chu, was cited by Reuters as
                         ExxonMobil, the super-major will purchase  saying the company had reached FID on Calca-
                         1mn tonnes per year of LNG from the proposed  sieu Pass when it had roughly the same share of
                         Plaquemines LNG export terminal and another  volumes contracted.
                         1mn tpy from the planned CP2 LNG project. No   The CP2 LNG terminal is expected to begin   Venture Global
                         pricing terms were disclosed, but S&P Global  construction adjacent to Calcasieu Pass in 2023,
                         reported this week, citing a Venture Global  with full commercial operations targeted for   noted that
                         spokesperson, that each of the SPAs has a dura-  mid-2026. Venture Global noted this week that
                         tion of 20 years. Both facilities will be located in  the SPA with ExxonMobil was the second supply   with this deal,
                         Louisiana, where Venture Global brought its first  deal for CP2.
                         terminal, Calcasieu Pass LNG, online earlier this   It is worth noting that ExxonMobil is also   16mn tpy of
                         year.                                partnering with QatarEnergy to construct the   Plaquemines’
                           The day after it announced the SPAs with  Golden Pass LNG export plant in Texas, which
                         ExxonMobil, Venture Global also said that it had  will begin operations in 2024 and have an esti-  20mn tpy
                         struck a 20-year SPA with Petronas. Under that  mated capacity of 18mn tpy.
                         deal, Petronas will buy 1mn tpy of LNG from the   The latest deals come as spot prices in end-  capacity was
                         Plaquemines facility. Venture Global noted that  user markets are twice as high as they were a year
                         with this deal, 16mn tpy of Plaquemines’ 20mn  ago, leading to a surge in commercial activity   covered by 20-
                         tpy capacity was covered by 20-year SPAs.  relating to current and proposed US LNG export   year SPAs.
                           Both Plaquemines and CP2 would replicate  facilities. Europe is racing to wean itself off Rus-
                         the modular design of Calcasieu Pass, which  sian gas and – as evidenced by Venture Global’s
                         began production just 29 months after reaching  latest SPAs – Asian buyers are also trying to lock
                         a financial investment decision (FID). However,  in long-term supplies to shield themselves from
                         both would be on a larger scale, with a capacity of  increased competition and future market vola-
                         20mn tpy at each terminal, compared with 10mn  tility. Under these circumstances, the prospects
                         tpy at Calcasieu Pass.               for several planned US liquefaction projects have
                           Early construction  on  the Plaquemines  improved considerably.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2022
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