Page 4 - GLNG Week 46 2022
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       COP27 warns business

       cannot be trusted to

       police greenwashing

        COMMENTARY       The UN has identified greenwashing by business  that the public, government s and investors
                         and finance as the biggest danger facing the race  must be vigilant against misleading or confusing
                         to net zero, urging them to avoid a toxic cover-up  claims about the green-ness or sustainability of
                         and to ensure that any climate pledges they keep  an investment or project.
                         are in line with the 1.5 degree targets.  The report, called Integrity Matters, slammed
                            The report warned that greenwashing, weak  greenwashing and also weak net-zero pledges
                         regulation and intensive lobbying by fossil fuel  and set out ways to bring integrity to net-zero
                         lobbies was the greatest impediment to fighting  commitments by industry, financial institutions,
                         climate change. The business sector cannot be  cities and regions and to support a global, equita-
                         trusted to police itself, the report said, and must  ble transition to a sustainable future.
                         be subject to strict national and international   “Using bogus ‘net-zero’ pledges to cover up
                         laws and regulations on green investment.  massive fossil fuel expansion is reprehensible.
                            The report is a major wake-up call for global  It is rank deception. This toxic cover-up could
                         finance and their ESG policies. The UN report  push our world over the climate cliff. The sham
                         was scathing in its criticism of a whole list of  must end,” Guterres
                         activities by business and finance that weakens
                         the fight against climate change, from pro-fossil  Corporate responsibility
                         fuel lobbying by business associations to pro-  The report said that while government had to
                         moting voluntary green investment rules that  take the lead, solving the climate crisis is not
                         are in fact toothless, confusing and misleading.  up to them alone. Non-state actors— industry,
                            “We must have zero tolerance for net-zero  financial institutions, cities and regions —play a
                         greenwashing. Today’s Expert Group report  critical role in getting the world to net zero no
                         is a how-to guide to ensure credible, account-  later than 2050.
                         able net-zero pledges,” António Guterres said   Catherine McKenna, chair of high-level
                         at the launch at the report at COP27 in Sharm  expert group, said that the UN aimed to prevent
                         el-Sheikh, Egypt.                    dishonest climate accounting and other actions
                            “That means global emissions must decline  designed to circumvent the need for deep decar-
                         by at least 45% by 2030 – and reach net zero by  bonization. She called on non-state actors must
                         2050.  Pledges should have interim targets every  report publicly on their progress with verified
                         five years starting in 2025,” Guterres explained.  information that can be compared with peers.
                            The targets must cover all greenhouse emis-  The report made five key recommendations
                         sions and all their scopes. For financial institu-  to businesses. Firstly, they cannot claim to be net
                         tions this means all of their finance activities, and  zero while still investing in fossil fuels.
                         for businesses and cities it means all emissions   Non-state actors must not buy cheap credits
                         – direct, indirect and those originating from  that often lack integrity instead of immediately
                         supply chains.                       cutting their own emissions across their value
                            “The message is clear to all those managing  chain.
                         existing voluntary initiatives – as well as CEOs,   Non-state actors cannot just focus on reduc-
                         mayors [and] governors committing to net-zero:  ing the intensity of their emissions, but must
                         Abide by this standard and update your guide-  focus on than their absolute emissions. They
                         lines right away – and certainly no later than  also cannot attack only a part of their emissions
                         COP28,” Guterres underscored.        rather than their full value chain, known as
                            A major UN body, the UN High-Level Expert  Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
                         Group on Net-Zero Commitments of Non-State   Importantly, the report said that companies
                         Actors, said at COP27 that honesty, probity and  must stop lobbying to undermine ambitious
                         integrity were crucial to reaching net zero, and  government climate policies either directly or

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