Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 27
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       This is one of several offshore projects where  Lazy Wave Risers (SLWR) and associated flow-  with our banks. As the facility is arranged at the
       ABB will utilise its Select IO for more efficient  lines between all wells and the FPSO. In particu-  level of the special purpose vehicle, it represents
       project execution. Select IO is an ethernet based,  lar, the scope of work includes five production  a financing tool which enables SBM Offshore
       single-channel input output system, where field  and five injection risers and flowlines for a total  and partners to optimise the financing of major
       signals are digitally marshaled in smart junction  length of 59 km, a 16-km-long gas export line  projects. Further, this bridge facility improves
       boxes.                              to be connected to an existing pipeline, 11 rigid  SBM Offshore’s liquidity position at a compet-
         Utilising ABB’s xStream engineering  jumpers and 21 foundation subsea structures  itive rate.”
       approach alongside digital marshaling, Select  (risers and PLETs).         The Company’s main activities are the design,
       IO will reduce project time by allowing the pro-  Saipem will use FDS, its state-of-the-art field  supply, installation, operation and the life exten-
       ject team to decouple the hardware and software  development ship, for all the subsea works.  sion of floating production solutions for the off-
       tasks and fully standardise the cabinet design.   “Búzios is one of the world’s largest deepwater  shore energy industry over the full lifecycle. The
       Cabinets can then be installed and terminated  oil fields and it is very important for Saipem to  Company is market leading in leased floating
       at a much earlier phase during construction.  contribute to such a significant project for Brazil,  production systems, with multiple units cur-
       ABB will perform all software engineering in a  a country in which we have a long-established  rently in operation.
       cloud-based system bringing the hardware and  presence and track record of successfully-exe-  As of December 31, 2019, the Company
       software application together at a later stage uti-  cuted projects,” commented Francesco Racheli,  employs approximately 4,450 people world-
       lising Select IO digital marshaling. This seamless  Chief Operating Officer of Saipem’s E&C Off-  wide spread over offices in our key markets,
       integration will improve interface for topside  shore Division. “This new acquisition efficiently  operational shore bases and the offshore fleet of
       production, safety systems, marine systems, tel-  combines in-house capabilities and appropriate  vessels.
       ecom packages, surveillance equipment and the  assets to carry out this ambitious endeavour and   SBM Offshore is a listed holding company
       electrical systems.                 reinforces our reputation as a global provider  headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
         Brandon Spencer, managing director of  of valuable solutions in a country offering great  It holds direct and indirect interests in other
       ABB Energy Industries said: “We have a strong  opportunities. We look forward to working  companies.
       heritage in delivering Electrical, Control and  alongside Petrobras to further develop Brazil’s   SBM Offshore, July 01 2020
       Telecommunication packages for FPSOs both  resources and ensure the safe and timely achieve-
       in Brazil and worldwide from our global lead  ment of the field’s full production output.”
       centers in Singapore and Norway. In deploying   Saipem, July 06 2020     LNG
       ABB Ability™ System 800xA on this FPSO, we
       can help Yinson streamline project execution   SBM Offshore completes    New Fortress Energy
       and their operations. This will enhance overall
       equipment effectiveness, in turn providing key   $600mn bridge loan for   significantly reduces future
       data insights that will help make real time deci-
       sions on performance.”              FPSO Sepetiba                        LNG supply costs for 2020
         The collaboration between the two com-
       panies will span the globe, with regional ABB  SBM Offshore is pleased to announce the closure  New Fortress Energy has entered into an agree-
       teams working with Yinson in Asia and on  of a $600mn bridge loan facility for the financing  ment with Centrica LNG Company to terminate
       site in Brazil, whilst drawing on the company’s  of the construction of FPSO Sepetiba.  New Fortress’s obligation to purchase any addi-
       global offshore expertise from its team based in   The facility was secured by the special pur-  tional LNG from Centrica for the remainder of
       Norway.                             pose company owning FPSO Sepetiba and was  2020 in exchange for a payment of $105mn. As a
         ABB has a strong track record in delivering  agreed with a consortium of four international  result, New Fortress will now be able to purchase
       digital solutions for FPSOs, working previously  banks. SBM Offshore is majority owner of this  LNG in the open market at prices that are signif-
       on several other FPSO projects including Maersk  special-purpose company (with 64.5% equity  icantly lower than the price previously agreed to
       Peregrino, The Goliat and Armada Olombendo  ownership), together with Mitsubishi Corpora-  with Centrica.
       FPSO.                               tion (20%) and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha   As a result of facilities commencing opera-
       ABB, July 06 2020                   (15.5%).                             tions in Puerto Rico in addition to Jamaica, New
                                              The facility will be drawn in July 2020 to  Fortress has made significant progress toward
       Saipem wins $325mn                  finance the ongoing construction of the FPSO  achieving an Illustrative Annualised Operating
                                           Sepetiba. The tenor of the bridge loan is six  Margin Goal from Committed Volumes of over
       contract for Buzios                 months with an extension option for another  $400mn on an annualised basis during the third
                                           six months. The facility benefits from spon-
                                                                                quarter of 2020. We expect our annualised cash
       field in Brazil                     sor guarantees, which are to be released upon  SG&A and annualised cash interest payments
                                           repayment. Repayment is expected to take place  to be approximately $80mn and $80mn respec-
       Saipem has been awarded a contract by Petro-  upon closure and first drawdown of the project  tively during the same period.
       bras for the installation of a rigid riser-based sub-  loan which continues to progress. The facility’s   In addition, the Company is currently
       sea system to serve the Búzios pre-salt project, in  weighted average interest margin is in line with  advancing projects in both Mexico and Nica-
       water depths from 1537 to 2190 metres, offshore  the expected margin of SBM Offshore’s existing  ragua, with the goal of substantially completing
       the state of Rio de Janeiro.        $1bn revolving credit facility for H2-2020.  these projects by the end of 2020. Once fully
         The Búzios-5 overall production system fore-  Bert-Jaap Dijkstra, Group Treasurer of SBM  operational, New Fortress aims for these pro-
       sees the interconnection of 15 wells to the FPSO  Offshore, commented: “The successful closure of  jects to contribute an additional approximately
       in two phases. The project awarded to Saipem  this bridge facility demonstrates the robustness  $150mn toward the Company’s Illustrative
       includes the Engineering, Procurement, Con-  of our financing model as well as the strength  Annualised Operating Margin Goal from Com-
       struction and Installation (EPCI) of the Steel  of SBM Offshore’s long-standing relationships  mitted Volumes.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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