Page 10 - DMEA Week 46
P. 10

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  US LNG developers
                                                                                                  are including a CCS
                         agreements. G2 Net-Zero LNG, meanwhile, only  Strzelecki gas field in the Cooper Basin as part   component in their
                         proposed its LNG terminal – a cleaner redesign  of the project’s final field trial. Once on stream,   export projects.
                         of a previous plan – earlier this year and still has  the 1.7mn tpy project promises to be one of the
                         some way to go until the facility can be built.  world’s cheapest CCS sites.
                           Overall there are around 30 CCS projects   Santos managing director and CEO Kevin
                         under development in the US, according to the  Gallagher said the FID hinged on the Clean
                         Houston Chronicle. Almost a dozen of these are  Energy Regulator issuing an approved meth-
                         being planned along the Gulf Coast, with Louisi-  odology for CCS, because carbon credits
                         ana increasingly keen to position itself as a CO2  were essential to making the project “stack up
                         storage hub. Similar geography exists in Texas,  economically”.
                         which would also have extensive aquifers and   Taylor welcomed the announcement, telling
                         depleted oilfields that could potentially be used  the Sydney Morning Herald that work on the
                         for storing CO2. But Texas – the largest CO2  CCS methodology was “progressing rapidly”. He
                         emitter in the US – has not yet shown the same  added: “Australia has a comparative advantage in
                         state-level enthusiasm as Louisiana to proceed  CCS with a number of large geological storage
                         with wide-scale CCS development.     basins. Successful trials like this are important to
                                                              the development of CCS in Australia, which will
                         Australia                            create jobs and lower emissions.”
                         When the Australian government unveiled   Beyond the energy sector, however, Austral-
                         its ambitions in late September for a hydrogen  ian companies are mulling other ways to use
                         industry that would feed both domestic and for-  CCS’ potential to preserve valuable streams of
                         eign demand, Canberra also highlighted CCS’  export revenue.
                         potential in decarbonising the industry.  The country’s largest miner, BHP, said last
                           The process would allow the country’s exten-  week that it had entered into a five-year mem-
                         sive natural gas industry to begin transitioning  orandum of understanding (MoU) with China
                         into the production of carbon neutral, or “clean”,  Baowu Steel to study ways to slash the steel sec-
                         blue hydrogen. This could be sold overseas or  tor’s carbon emissions. Under the MoU, BHP
                         blended in domestic gas pipeline networks, with  will invest AUD50mn ($36.6mn) in a feasibility
                         some industry observers suggesting that current  studying for a CCS project at one of the Chinese
                         renewable gas blends of up to 10% could rise to  steelmaker’s largest production sites, as well as
                         100% hydrogen by 2050.               using hydrogen to feed its blast furnaces.
                           In announcing the government’s technology
                         roadmap, Australian Energy Minister Angus  Middle East
                         Taylor said AUD18bn ($13.18bn) of funding had  Qatar is the world’s biggest LNG exporter and
                         been earmarked for a portfolio of low-emissions  like some of its US rivals, it too is looking to
                         technologies that included “clean” hydrogen.  sequester CO2 at its export facilities. The govern-
                           Taylor has now urged the local industry to  ment revealed in October last year it had a plant
                         step up its efforts to integrate CCS into their blue  in operation capable of capturing some 2.1mn
                         hydrogen projects in order to deliver on Canber-  tpy of CO2. It aims to ramp up the plant’s capac-
                         ra’s export-orientated goals.        ity to 5mn tpy by 2024 and 7mn tpy by 2027, hail-
                           Taylor was reportedly preparing to deliver  ing the project as the largest CCS investment in
                         a speech to the Australian Hydrogen Confer-  the Middle East and North Africa.
                         ence this week that industry and government   Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is also at the
                         needed to work hand in hand in order to attract  forefront of the Middle East’s carbon, capture,
                         AUD70bn ($51.26bn) worth of investment over  utilisation and storage (CCUS) push, with the
                         the next decade.                     circular carbon economy firmly in the sights of
                           “Clean hydrogen has enormous potential to  NOCs Saudi Aramco and ADNOC.
                         be an important part of the shift to lower emis-  Aramco has been working on CO2-based
                         sions,” local daily the Sydney Morning Herald  EOR at the ‘Uthmaniyah field in Eastern Prov-
                         quoted on November 15 Taylor’s planned speech  ince. This received a boost from the recent pilot
                         as stating.                          project launched with Japan’s Institute of Energy
                           His reported comments come just weeks after  Economics to generate blue ammonia from
                         Santos revealed that the country was one step  hydrogen produced from hydrocarbons, with
                         closer to its first commercial CCS project. The  the resultant CO2 being split between the Jubail
                         company said on October 22 that it intended to  Methanol plant and EOR at ‘Uthmaniyah.
                         take a FID on its Moomba CCS project by the   Meanwhile, ADNOC last week agreed a deal
                         end of the year.                     with French super-major Total to explore oppor-
                           The company said it had successfully pumped  tunities in emissions reductions and CCUS.
                         around 100 tonnes of CO2 into the depleted  The Emirati firm has plans to cut greenhouse

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