Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 34 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                   ENERGY TRANSITION                                          FSUOGM

       Naftogaz teams up with RWE

       to develop hydrogen

        UKRAINE          UKRAINIAN natural gas firm Naftogaz has  Ukraine with investments in clean energy such
                         teamed up with German energy group RWE  as hydrogen as a sort of compensation.
       The agreement was   on potentially developing green hydrogen and   Germany is also eager to establish import
       reached during talks   ammonia in Ukraine.             options for hydrogen supplies. In its hydrogen
       between Merkel and   The pair have signed a memorandum of  strategy, the country plans a significant scale-up
       Zelenskiy in Kyiv.  understanding (MoU) to “explore mutually  in its own green hydrogen production capacity,
                         beneficial co-operation opportunities along the  but this will be surpassed by demand, and so
                         full value chain of green hydrogen and its deriv-  imports will be needed to cover the shortfall.
                         atives like ammonia produced in Ukraine,” the   Green hydrogen is produced from water
                         companies said in a statement on August 22.  using  electrolysers  powered  by renewable
                         They will look at producing and storing the fuels  energy. Ukraine has already expanded its renew-
                         in Ukraine, and potentially exporting term to  able energy capacity significantly in recent years,
                         Germany. They will also evaluate commercial  but would need to upscale substantially further
                         opportunities for selling Ukrainian green hydro-  in order to export green hydrogen while also
                         gen in European markets.             decarbonising its own power grid.
                           The agreement was signed during German   In late July, the European Bank for Recon-
                         Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Kyiv for dis-  struction and Development (EBRD) said it had
                         cussions about energy and security issues with  agreed to help Ukraine’s gas transmission system
                         Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. It  operator (TSO) develop low-carbon hydrogen.
                         also comes a month after Germany and the US  Naftogaz CEO Yuriy Vitrenko also revealed last
                         agreed to allow Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project  month that talks were underway with several
                         to go ahead.                         German partners on establishing hydrogen trade
                           The pipeline’s launch will likely mean Ukraine  from Ukraine to Germany.
                         loses out on billions of dollars of revenues from   In addition to Ukraine, Germany is also inter-
                         transiting Russian gas. As part of its agreement  ested in importing hydrogen from Russia, Africa
                         with Washington, Berlin said it would provide  and elsewhere. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   25•August•2021
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