Page 18 - MEOG Week 25
P. 18

MEOG                                         n e W s in  B rie F                                       MEOG

       understanding (MoU) on this co-operation,   KBR’s key recent contracts in Africa   G as
       KBR said on June 19, noting that they would   and the Middle East include an order for
       specifically target projects in India, Southeast   project management consultancy services   ADNOC attracts investors to
       Asia, the Middle East and Africa.   at the Ghasha gas development in the UAE,
         Under the deal’s terms, KBR will license   and a deal to plan upgrades at Nigerian   gas pipeline spin-off
       proprietary technology and engineering   petrochemicals plants. The latter contract
       services, while LThE will serve as the EPC   will see KBR partner with Nigeria’s National   A consortium of investors has agreed to
       services provider. KBR will also provide its   Engineering and Technical Co. (NETCO) to   acquire a 49% stake in ADNOC Gas Pipeline
       solid acid alkylation (K-SAATTM), solvent   provide front-end engineering design (FEED)   Assets LLC.
       de-asphalting (Rose) and catalytic olefins   work at four greenfield plants.  The latter is a newly formed subsidiary of
       (K-COTTM) technology.               Bne                                  ADNOC with lease rights to 38 gas pipelines
         K-SAATTM offers a high alkylate yield                                  in the UAE, covering a total of 982.3 km (610
       and high feed flexibility, while Rose has                                mi), with ADNOC holding a 51% majority
       more than a 90% market share among   oi L                                interest. The gas pipeline network connects
       solvent de-asphalting technologies, KBR                                  ADNOC’s upstream assets to local UAE off-
       said. K-COTTM converts low-value olefinic,   Kuwaiti oil price down to   takers
       paraffinic or mixed streams into high-value                                The investors comprise Global
       propylene, ethylene and aromatics.  $36.92 pb                            Infrastructure Partners, Brookfield Asset
         “This MoU brings together KBR’s century-                               Management, Singapore’s sovereign wealth
       long technology expertise and LThE’s   The price of Kuwaiti oil went down by 70   fund GIC, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
       strong capability as a major EPC player and   cents to USD 36.92 per barrel on Monday   Board, Nh Investment & Securities and
       modular solution provider,” KBR’s president   after it was USD 37.62 pb last Friday, said   Snam.
       for technology solutions, Doug Kelly, said in   the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC)   They plan to invest in select ADNOC gas
       a statement. “KBR’s innovative and reliable   Tuesday.                   pipeline assets valued at $20.7 billion.
       process technologies have been helping   At the global level, the price of the Brent   ADNOC will lease its ownership interest in
       refineries and petrochemical plants globally   crude went up by 89 cents to USD 43.08   the assets to its new subsidiary for 20 years in
       to optimise production and reduce operating   per barrel, the same case with the West   return for a volume-based tariff, subject to a
       costs.”                             Intermediate, which rose by 90 cents to USD   floor and a cap. The transaction should net the
         LThE is a subsidiary of Indian engineering   40.73 pb.                 company more than $10 billion.
       and construction conglomerate Larsen &   menaFn                          oFFshore

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   24•June•2020
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