Page 15 - GLNG Week 28 2022
P. 15

GLNG                                               ASIA                                               GLNG

       Japan considers steps to

       conserve gas supplies

        POLICY           JAPAN is considering steps to conserve natural   This week the Japanese Ministry of Econ-
                         gas supplies amid fears of a potential disruption.  omy, Trade and Industry (METI) called for a
                         This week it emerged that Tokyo may ask house-  discussion on creating a framework that would
                         holds and businesses to cut back on gas usage  allow the government to ask households and
                         when supply is tight.                businesses to conserve gas when necessary.
                           This comes after Moscow ordered the trans-  According to a document released on July 11,
                         fer of ownership in the Sakhalin-2 oil and LNG  the government believes that despite long-term
                         project to a newly established Russian company  LNG contracts helping Japan to secure stable
                         and warned Japanese firms Mitsui & Co. and  supply, rising competition means conservation
                         Mitsubishi, which own stakes in the project, that  measures will be necessary if energy procure-
                         they could lose their access to it.  ment is disrupted.
                           Mitsui holds a 12.5% stake in Sakhalin-2,   The document said the government would
                         while Mitsubishi owns 10%. Tokyo has previ-  first ask households and businesses to cut back
                         ously said that Japanese companies would not  on gas usage to the best of their abilities. If this
                         give up their stakes in the project given the coun-  proves insufficient to avoid supply shortages,
                         try’s high level of dependence on energy imports  then stricter targets could be brought in.
                         and worries over whose hands those stakes could   Tokyo is already asking Japan’s population to
                         end up in. However, the Group of Seven (G7)  play a part in power conservation, as electricity
                         countries – which include Japan – agreed at the  supply is also expected to be tight over the com-
                         end of June to explore ways of capping prices for  ing months.™
                         Russian oil, and Moscow is pushing back, includ-
                         ing by threatening to cut off Japanese access to
                         Russian oil and gas.

       Week 28   15•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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