Page 12 - MEOG Week 08 2023
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                                In a brief statement, the state-run Saudi   drone attacks on tankers and other facilities
                                           Press Agency said the $1 billion deposited   late last year. Both spoke on condition of
       ISIS members detained in            into the Aden-based central bank will help   anonymity as they were not briefed to speak
                                                                                with the media.
                                           the Riyadh-backed administration implement
       Iraq’s Kirkuk                       economic reforms.                    based group and sub-organization of the
                                                                                  The Arab Monetary Fund, an Abu Dhabi-
                                             Yemen’s ruinous civil war, now entering
       Iraqi security forces managed to detain 3 ISIL   its ninth year, has wrecked the country’s   22-member Arab League, will help oversee the
       terrorist forces in the Hawija region in Kirkuk   economy and pushed half of the population to   use of the $1 billion, the SPA said.
       province, local sources reported on Tuesday.  the brink of famine. Over 150,000 people have   In April 2022, Saudi Arabia and the
         One of the terrorists was in charge of   been killed in the conflict.  UAE promised $3 billion worth of aid to
       supplying and transporting explosives.   The war began in 2014 when Iran-backed   the internationally recognized president. It
       Another one was in charge of recruiting   Houthi rebels seized Yemen’s capital Sanaa,   remains unclear whether Tuesday’s deposit is
       young people, and the third one was in charge   along with much of the north of the country,   part of that pledge.
       of distributing food to the families of ISIL   forcing the government into exile. A Saudi   Yemen has seen a lull in front-line fighting
       terrorists.                         coalition, including the United Arab Emirates,   in recent months, despite the country’s
         In a statement on Monday, the Iraqi MoD   intervened the next year to try to restore the   six-month-long formal cease-fire agreement
       announced that the commander of the air   internationally recognized government. The   expiring last October. During this period,
       defence unit of the ISIL terrorist group was   country’s central bank has since been divided   Houthi and Saudi officials have been engaged
       detained in southern Baghdad.       between the warring sides, with the Houthis   in talks seeking to reach a negotiated end to
         In recent days, ISIL elements have once   operating its monetary authority from Sanaa  the civil war.
       again carried out terrorist operations in   Rashad al-Alimi, head of the   ABC
       different parts of Iraq.            internationally recognized presidential
         ISIL, which attacked Iraq on June 7, 2014,   council, thanked the Saudi government for
       and managed to capture about 45% of the   Tuesday’s economic aid in a series of posts on   COMPANIES
       country’s territory for a short period of time,   Twitter. Al-Alimi said the money would go
       was defeated in November 2017; However,   toward funding new projects and stabilizing   Crescent signs three Iraqi
       since then, the remanent members of the   the currency. No further details were given.
       terrorist group are still present and operating   Yemen has been hit hard by the fallout   gas development deals
       in Iraq and Syria and carry out terrorist   of the Ukraine war, with the country having
       activities from time to time.       imported 40% of its grain from Ukraine until   Crescent Petroleum, the Middle East’s
         Iraqi security forces keep searching,   supply channels were cut following Russia’s   oldest privately-owned upstream oil and
       clearing, and chasing ISIL across the country   invasion. Food prices in Yemen have since   gas company, has signed three twenty-year
       to make sure that ISIL and its escaped   surged.                         agreements with Iraq’s Ministry of Oil to
       elements do not re-emerge.            Over past years, the Aden branch of   appraise, develop, and produce oil and gas
       MEHR NEWS                           Yemen’s central bank has driven inflation   from two blocks in Diyala governorate and
                                           by printing new banknotes to finance debts   one in Basra governorate. The agreements
       Saudi deposits $1bn into            and cover the cost of public sector salaries.   will deliver much needed natural gas to fuel
                                                                                nearby power plants and improve government
                                           Houthi-controlled areas do not accept notes
       Yemen’s central bank                printed by Aden’s central bank.      services, creating thousands of new jobs
                                                                                in Diyala and Basra. The contracts follow
                                             Two officials from the internationally
       Saudi Arabia deposited $1 billion into the   recognized government told The Associated   Crescent Petroleum’s successful award in the
       central bank of Yemen’s internationally   Press that the $1 billion aid package will   Oil Ministry’s Fifth Bid Round.
       recognized government Tuesday in a bid to   help compensate for the sharp decline in oil   Crescent Petroleum will develop the
       bolster the country’s ailing economy, state   revenues in recent months. Oil exports have   Gilabat-Qumar and Khashim Ahmer-Injana
       media said.                         slowed drastically following several Houthi   fields in Diyala Province, to initially produce

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